Page 4 - MEOG Week 07 2021
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Kurdistan operators provide

       updates as payments remain stable

       DNO and Dana Gas provided updates on their operations in Kurdistan
       last week while indicating continued stability in government payments.

        KURDISTAN        M&A activity returned to the Kurdistan Region  prices and more visibility on Kurdistan export
                         of northern Iraq last week as optimism appears  payments, DNO will ramp up drilling of new
                         to be back in vogue. As ExxonMobil farmed out,  development wells at the Tawke licence to as
       WHAT:             Norway’s DNO consolidated its position in the  many eight this year from only one in 2020 and
       International operators   semi-autonomous region with plans to ramp up  conduct multiple workovers on existing produc-
       of major Kurdish assets   operations this year.        ing wells in our drive to maintain production
       last week provided   Meanwhile, UAE-based Dana Gas  above 100,000 bpd.”
       encouraging news as   announced that the Federal Iraqi authorities are   The company halted drilling activities at
       payments for sales are   interested in buying gas produced in the Kurd-  Tawke in Q2 last year in the wake of the coro-
       maintained and new   ish north in order to ease Baghdad’s reliance on  navirus (COVID-19) pandemic and a hiatus of
       opportunities arise.  Iranian imports.                 payments from the KRG, but resumed and fast-
                                                              tracked operations in June.
       WHY:              DNO
       Suffering from the   DNO provided an operational update on its  Gassing up
       twin challenges of the   activities in Kurdistan and announced it had  In another positive update, the CEO of fellow
       pandemic and the oil   acquired US super-major ExxonMobil’s 32%  operator Dana Gas, Patrick Allman-Ward, said
       price drop, the KRG   stake in the 324-square km Baeshiqa licence.  that the Federal Iraqi government was one of the
       halted payments to IOCs   The deal takes DNO’s stake in Baeshiqa to  parties interested in buying gas sales from the
       in early 2020, but it has   64% and the company has plans to continue  expansion of the Khor Mor gas field.
       laid out plans to clear   exploration and appraisal work. It bought the   Khor Mor is operated by the Pearl Consor-
       the debt.         first 32% participation from ExxonMobil in  tium in which Dana owns a 35% stake, and is
                         2018, and became operator of the licence.  partnered by affiliate Crescent Petroleum, Aus-
       WHAT NEXT:          The remaining 36% in the field is split  tria’s OMV, Germany’s RWE and Hungary’s
       If payment stability can   between Ankara-owned Turkish Energy Co.  MOL. The field is currently undergoing a two-
       be maintained, the region   (TEC, 16%) and the Kurdistan Regional Govern-  phase expansion, with each train adding 250mn
       may be set for a fairly   ment (KRG, 20% carried). Baeshiqa is located in  cubic feet (70.8mn cubic metres) per day of gas
       significant rebound.  south-west Kurdistan close to Mossul.  and increasing the total output from the field to
                           DNO’s executive chairman Bijan Mossa-  roughly 940 mmcf (25.5 mcm) per day from the
                         var-Rahmani said: “By increasing our stake in  current 440 mmcf (12.4 mcm).
                         the Baeshiqa licence now, we demonstrate our   Allman-Ward said late last week that Dana
                         belief in its ultimate potential … Following the  Gas is discussing a gas sales agreement for the
                         stabilisation of oil prices and export payments  second train with several parties, including one
                         in Kurdistan, DNO is stepping up spending on  Turkish company.
                         new opportunities.”                    “For the second train, we are in discussions
                           The company added that it would fast-track  with a number of different parties. [The Federal
                         early production at the licence following the  Iraqi government] have expressed interest and I
                         delivery of 15,000 barrels of crude for export  have every confidence we will be responding to
                         from the Baeshiqa-2 and Zartik-1 wells at API  that interest,” he said. The CEO noted that the
                         gravities of 40 and 22 respectively. DNO carried  company’s production in Kurdistan had risen by
                         out testing work during Q3 2020 to determine  2% in 2020 to 32,250 barrels of oil equivalent per
                         the commerciality following the completion of  day (boepd).
                         drilling these wells.                  In March 2019, Dana Gas announced that
                           Meanwhile, DNO repeated a mid-Janu-  Pearl had signed a new 20-year gas sales agree-
                         ary statement that its operations at the Tawke  ment with the KRG to “enable the production
                         licence, which contains the Tawke and Peshk-  and sales of an additional [2.6 bcm pear year]
                         abir oilfields, had delivered an average 110,300  that the consortium aims to produce by 2021 …
                         bpd of oil in 2020, which was split around 50:50  to boost much-needed local domestic electricity
                         between the two assets.              generation”.
                           Mossavar-Rahmani added: “With higher oil   Pearl had reached critical financial and

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