Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 41 2021
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Chief reportedly exploring sale

        PENNSYLVANIA     PRIVATELY owned Chief Oil & Gas has been  after reaching a record high in the second quar-
                         reported to be exploring a potential sale that  ter. Nonetheless, there were still $18.5bn worth
                         could see it valued at more than $3bn, inclusive  of transactions during the third quarter, top-
                         of debt. Last week, Reuters cited sources familiar  ping the five-year quarterly average for M&A
                         with the matter as saying that the company had  value of about $16bn, Enverus said. That average
                         hired an investment bank to begin a sale process.  excludes Occidental Petroleum’s $38bn acquisi-
                           Appalachian Basin-focused Chief is con-  tion of Anadarko Petroleum in 2019.
                         trolled by its founder, Trevor Rees-Jones, who   Nonetheless, there may still be some appetite
                         started the company in 1994. It has grown to  for further acquisitions, including in the Mar-
                         become one of the largest privately owned natu-  cellus. In July, EQT bought another privately
                         ral gas producers in the US. Chief started out by  owned producer in the region, Alta Resources,
                         operating in Texas’ Barnett shale formation, but  for $2.9bn. That acquisition included 300,000 net
                         exited its position there via two sales, in 2006 and  acres (1,214 square km), as well as output of 1
                         2008. It now operates in northeastern Pennsyl-  bcf per day.
                         vania’s portion of the Marcellus shale play, where   “There are still opportunities for public
                         it produces more than 1bn cubic feet (28.3mn  company consolidation as well as potential pri-
                         cubic metres) per day of gas on around 600,000  vate sellers looking to capitalise on price levels
                         net acres (2,428 square km).         for both gas and oil not seen in years,” stated
                           Energy prices remain at multi-year highs,  Enverus’ director, Andrew Dittmar. “But the
                         boosting corporate valuations. However, the  sense of urgency seems to have left the deal mar-
                         report of Chief’s potential sale comes as the wave  ket. Through the end of the year, we are likely to
                         of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) that started  see mostly smaller sized asset deals as companies
                         in the second half of 2020 is slowing down. Data  trim their portfolios with the chance of an occa-
                         analytics firm Enverus said this week that M&A  sional larger public company merger or private
                         activity fell 44% in the third quarter of this year,  E&P sale.”™
                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       ENN seals long-term LNG

       supply deal with Cheniere

        US-CHINA         CHINESE utility ENN Natural Gas has signed a   While China’s demand for LNG has been
                         new long-term LNG supply agreement with the  increasing steadily, consumption is set to sky-
                         US’ Cheniere Energy.                 rocket in the coming months amid a deepening
                           The Chinese company said on October 11  power supply crunch. The country is grappling
                         that Cheniere had agreed to supply 900,000  with coal and gas shortages that have left two-
                         tonnes per year (tpy) of the fuel for 13 years  thirds of the country’s provinces rationing power.
                         from July 2022 on a free-on-board (FOB) basis.   China’s coal-to-gas transition has created
                         Cheniere said the purchase price was indexed to  an imbalance within the power sector, leading
                         the Henry Hub price and included a fixed lique-  to soaring coal prices that have left power gen-
                         faction fee.                         erators unwilling to operate at full capacity. The
                           The US company’s president and CEO, Jack  government has long banked on a shift to clean-
                         Fusco, said the sale and purchase agreement  er-burning gas to help fulfil its pledge to hit peak
                         (SPA) was a “milestone” in its efforts to sign  carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon
                         long-term supply contracts ahead of its final  neutrality by 2060.
                         investment decision (FID) on the third stage of   ENN chairman  Wang  Yusuo:  “China  is
                         its Corpus Christi LNG export terminal on the  making great efforts to achieve the goal of peak
                         Texas Gulf Coast. The FID is expected in 2022.  carbon emissions and carbon neutrality, boost-
                           Fusco said: “This SPA underscores the  ing the reform of the natural gas market, and
                         strength of the global LNG market today, par-  accelerating the structural adjustment of energy
                         ticularly in China.”                 consumption.”
                           China is widely expected to overtake Japan   The executive added that he expected the two
                         this year as the world’s largest importer of LNG,  companies to develop a strategic relationship
                         having imported 76.1mn tonnes of the fuel in the  that would allow ENN to provide its clients with
                         12 months to June 30. This figure was up 19.6%  “high quality resources and services, and to make
                         year on year from the 63.6mn tonnes of imports  positive efforts to the realisation of peak carbon
                         recorded in the previous 12-month period.  emissions and carbon neutrality in China”.™

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