Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 41 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Dell’Osso takes over as Chesapeake CEO

        US               CHESAPEAKE Energy announced this week  bankruptcy protection, Chesapeake announced
                         that its board had voted unanimously to appoint  that it would pivot back towards natural gas
                         Domenic Dell’Osso as the company’s president  after trying to focus more on oil in recent years
                         and CEO. In an October 11 statement, Chesa-  – an ill-timed attempt that coincided with crude
                         peake said Dell’Osso’s appointment was effective  prices falling.
                         immediately.                           Despite a new commitment to restrained
                           Dell’Osso replaces Chesapeake’s interim  spending, Chesapeake announced in August that
                         CEO, Mike Wichterich, who will now assume  it had agreed to buy Haynesville shale producer
                         the role of executive chairman of the board of  Vine Energy in a cash and stock deal valued at
                         directors. Wichterich stepped in after former  around $2.2bn.
                         CEO Doug Lawler left the company in April.   Reuters reported in late September that
                         In the subsequent months, a number of Ches-  Dell’Osso was poised to take over as CEO, so the
                         apeake executives, including its general counsel,  appointment comes as no surprise. In a state-
                         executive vice president of exploration and pro-  ment, Dell’Osso said he looked forward to work-
                         duction and chief accountant, also departed the  ing to “generate and return to our shareholders
                         company.                             sustainable free cash flow while aggressively low-
                           It has been a turbulent time for Chesapeake  ering our emissions profile”.
                         in other ways too. The company emerged from   According to Reuters, Dell’Osso is one of
                         bankruptcy protection in February after fail-  the few long-tenured executives to remain after
                         ing to stay afloat during the worst of last year’s  Lawler’s departure. He previously worked as an
                         industry downturn. The Chapter 11 bankruptcy  investment banker with Jefferies & Co., joining
                         reorganisation process allowed it to shed around  Chesapeake in 2008. He was appointed chief
                         $7.7bn worth of debt. Upon emergence from  financial officer in 2010.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       TC Energy partners with

       Nikola on hydrogen hubs

        NORTH AMERICA    CANADIAN pipeline operator TC Energy has  for the transportation of carbon dioxide (CO2)
                         partnered with electric vehicle (EV) manufac-  to sequestration sites.
                         turer Nikola to build “large-scale” hydrogen   “We believe this announcement reinforces
                         production facilities in the US and Canada.  the long-term value of [TC Energy’s] pipeline
                           The companies intend for the fuel to be used  infrastructure and steel in the ground with its
                         to operate Nikola’s Class 8 fuel cell electric vehi-  ability to repurpose and support the energy tran-
                         cles (FCEVs). They also hope that the hubs will  sition, especially in the current difficult regula-
       TC Energy’s pipeline,   help to accelerate the adoption of heavy-duty  tory environment of building new pipelines,” a
       storage and power   zero-emission FCEVs and hydrogen across  BMO Capital Markets analyst, Ben Pham, com-
       assets can potentially   industrial sectors more broadly.  mented in a note.
       be leveraged for the   Under the plan, the companies will establish   Nikola and TC Energy said they were both
       hydrogen hub project.  hubs that produced a combined 150 tonnes per  committed to reducing the carbon intensity of
                         day, or more, in locations near heavily used truck  hydrogen through the use of renewable energy,
                         corridors. The hubs would be established within  as well as low-cost natural gas, renewable natural
                         the next five years.                 gas (RNG) and biomass feedstocks paired with
                           The companies noted that TC Energy owns  carbon capture and storage (CCS). The compa-
                         an extensive network of pipeline, storage and  nies added that they would take a “technology
                         power assets that can potentially be leveraged  agnostic” approach to finding the best pathway
                         to lower the cost of these hydrogen production  to hydrogen production for each region where
                         hubs and increase the speed of delivery. They  they build a hub. They will aim to achieve the
                         said this could include the integration of mid-  lowest possible carbon intensity at each site and
                         stream assets to enable hydrogen distribution or  ultimately bring it down to net zero over time.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   14•October•2021
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