Page 5 - GLNG Week 39 2022
P. 5
Cheniere partners with Whistler
Pipeline on ADCC project
PROJECTS US LNG producer Cheniere Energy has part- The project is being advanced as Cheniere
nered with units of Whistler Pipeline to build works to expand Corpus Christi LNG’s liquefac-
the ADCC pipeline. tion capacity. The plant consists of three liquefac-
The new link will extend roughly 43 miles tion trains, each with a capacity of 5mn tonnes
(69 km) from the terminus of the Whistler Pipe- per year, for a combined capacity of 15mn tpy
line to Cheniere’s Corpus Christi LNG export of LNG. The Stage 3 expansion that Cheniere is
plant. It is designed to carry up to 1.7bn cubic now building was initially aimed at adding up to
feet (48.1mn cubic metres) per day of gas, with seven mid-scale trains with a combined capac-
the possibility of subsequently being expanded ity of 10mn tpy. Cheniere then revealed plans
to 2.5 bcf (70.8 mcm) per day. It is due to enter recently to add a further two trains to Stage 3,
service in 2024. potentially equating to another 5mn tpy of liq-
The Whistler pipeline is a roughly 450-mile uefaction capacity. The company also said this
(724-km) intrastate pipeline that transports gas month that it is targeting further expansions at
from the Waha Header in the Permian Basin to both of its two Gulf Coast LNG export plants,
Agua Dulce, Texas. It provides gas producers in Corpus Christi and Sabine Pass.
the Permian – where gas is typically a byproduct These capacity additions mean that the com-
of drilling for oil – with direct access to South pany, which is already the US’ largest LNG pro-
Texas and export markets via the Gulf Coast. ducer and is seeking to expand its dominance of
The pipeline is owned by a consortium includ- the industry further still, will need to ramp up
ing MPLX, WhiteWater Midstream and a joint deliveries of feedstock gas to its plants.
venture between Stonepeak and West Texas Gas.
Week 39 30•September•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P5