Page 6 - GLNG Week 39 2022
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Pieridae in talks over ensuring feed
gas supplies to proposed LNG plant
PROJECTS CANADA’S Pieridae Energy has asked the coun- countries to urgently seek alternative energy
try’s federal government to ensure that pipeline sources to imports of Russian natural gas. This
operator TC Energy receives approval to expand shakeup of European gas market dynamics came
its gas pipeline network in a timely manner. as a boost to Pieridae’s proposed 2.4mn tonne
Pieridae’s CEO, Alfred Sorensen, told Reuters per year (tpy) Goldboro project in Nova Scotia,
that its Goldboro LNG project can only go ahead whose prospects for being built now look better
if TC is able to expand capacity on its existing than they did before the war.
pipeline network. Goldboro is one of two LNG export terminals
According to the news service, Pieridae asked proposed for Eastern Canada – with Repsol also
the federal government at a recent meeting to proposing to convert an existing import facility
help ensure a smooth regulatory approval pro- in Saint John, New Brunswick, to exports. How-
cess for any gas pipeline proposal that TC Energy ever, it was suggested earlier this year that there
may put forward. This comes after Canadian would only be enough feed gas supplies available
pipeline operators – including TC Energy – have to feed one East Coast export facility given cur-
struggled to get pipeline projects off the ground rent pipeline capacity. And amid high demand
owing to a combination of regulatory hurdles, for energy, there may not even be enough supply
legal challenges and opposition. for one export terminal.
“We’ve made our pitch and now we just have TC Energy did not respond to questions
to wait and see. We’ve also been speaking to TC about any discussions with Pieridae, but told
Energy, and they have to be the guys who decide Reuters in a statement that it has “virtually no
to go first,” Sorensen said. spare capacity” in its pipelines owing to high
The request comes as Canada considers its demand.
options for supplying LNG to Europe amid the
war in Ukraine, which has prompted European
Egyptian Natural Gas Holding
production hits 190 mcm per day
OUTPUT EGYPTIAN Natural Gas Holding Company The company implemented 14 development
(EGAS) passed with flying colours through fis- projects at gas fields and drilled 20 new wells at
cal year (FY) 2021/22 with the average rate of a total cost of $680mn. All of them were put on
natural gas production reaching 6.7bn cubic feet production stream with an initial total output of
(190mn cubic metres) per day more than cov- 1.2 bcf (34 mcm) per day and 23,700 barrels of
ering an average natural gas consumption of 6.1 per day of condensates.
bcf (173 mcm) per day, leaving 0.6 bcf ( 17 mcm) The company also launched two bid rounds
per day for exports. Egypt’s liquefied natural gas on Egypt Upstream Gateway (EUG) for natural
(LNG) exports increased during FY2021/22 by gas production in the Mediterranean bringing
44% after exporting 84 shipments from Idku and in $278mn in investments and $29mn signature
Damietta LNG plants. bonus.
P6 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 39 30•September•2022