Page 14 - MEOG Week 14 2021
P. 14

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       SERVICES                            great opportunities. It made us re-evaluate our   15-20 years.
                                           operations and urged us to adopt innovative   “The talent pool we need to drive for our
       Enoc to invest $68m in              measures to keep up with the fast-paced   organisation’s growth is constantly changing.
                                                                                We are on track with our Emiratisation efforts
                                           transformation that our sector is going
       digital transformation              through. Understanding the current market   to achieve 50% by 2021 and are dedicating our
                                                                                efforts to hone our young national talents. We
                                           realities allowed us to introduce changes to
       Enoc Group (Emirates National Oil Co.) has   emerge as an agile, resilient and future ready   are also working to understand what attracts
       unveiled its plans to invest AED 250 million   organisation, while aligning our efforts with   and motivates young Emirati nationals to join
       ($68 million) of its overall 2021 expenditure   the national mandate.”   the energy sector.
       towards further progressing its digital   “While increasing our market share   “We will dedicate our time and resources
       transformation strategy.            remains a priority, we are focused on   to ensure that our employees fully understand
         Enoc’s growth strategy will place strong   strengthening our business to ensure that   the potential that digitalisation has to offer,”
       emphasis on enhancing its business and   we have the capabilities to face any future   added Al Falasi.
       operations through digitalisation; which   challenges.  As we gear up to our nation’s   In 2020, the Group focused its efforts to
       will play a key component in optimizing   Golden Jubilee, we remain committed to   ensure employee safety, business continuity
       operations and identifying synergies within its   our leadership’s vision to honor our past   and maintain asset integrity. Despite the
       businesses, while continuing to serve its main   achievements and continue investing   challenges, the Group achieved significant
       goal of meeting the growing energy demand   to further our digital acceleration and   milestones through developing new business
       in Dubai and the UAE.               maintaining sustainable growth and   models.
         The primary focus of the Group’s strategy   diversification to meet UAE’s growing energy   These included the optimisation of retail
       is to leverage its competencies across the   demands,” added Al Falasi.  non-fuel business, increasing capabilities of
       energy value chain to identify new avenues for   Enoc plans to adopt state-of-the-art   its storage and terminalling arm, enhancing
       growth, while gearing its efforts on customer   technologies across its operating assets to   performance of its various subsidiaries,
       centricity, thereby enabling the growth of the   create efficiencies and enhance value for its   which ultimately contributed to 60 percent in
       UAE’s energy sector.                shareholders. The Group also plans to educate   budgetary savings.
         Saif Humaid Al Falasi, Group CEO, Enoc,   the current and potential employees on the   TRADEARABIA
       said: “2020 was an unprecedented year for all   importance of digitalisation and why it is
       and at Enoc we believe that italso presented   crucial for the Group’s growth for the next

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 14   07•April•2021
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