Page 10 - MEOG Week 14 2021
P. 10

MEOG                                   PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       Masirah completes

       Oman drilling campaign

        OMAN             MASIRAH Oil has announced this week that  extent of the good-quality Lower Aruma sand-
                         it has completed its five-well drilling campaign  stone and will help refine [Masirah’s] under-
                         around the Yumna field in Oman’s offshore Block  standing of the trap mechanisms in the area.”
                         50. The programme comprised two development   It added that “major cost savings were
                         wells and three exploration wells.   achieved by drilling five wells in one campaign.
                           The 16,903-square km concession was the  The exploration wells were drilled for about
                         location of the GA South (GAS) discovery,  $3.5mn each, equivalent to less than $1,700 per
                         Oman’s first offshore find by Singapore-backed  metre. Cost-effective drilling will greatly help
                         Rex International Holding (RIH), which holds  [Masirah] to further de-risk additional explora-
                         86.37% of the Masirah, which in turn holds 100%  tion prospects.”
                         of Block 50.                           The company added that this would enable it
                           GAS was renamed Yumna last year after  to continue pursuing “an active exploration pro-
                         Oman’s Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEM)  gramme in Block 50”.
                         declared the field’s commerciality and approved   It has also upgraded the capacity of its pro-
                         Masirah’s development plan for the asset.  duction facilities to 30,000 barrels per day (bpd)
                           Yumna is thought to contain around 9.6mn  to cater to growing output from its three Yumna
                         stock tank barrels of proven plus probable (2P)  production wells after successfully drilling two
                         reserves, according to a qualified person’s report  development wells.
                         (QPR).                                 It said: “The three wells were tested steadily
                           However, Rex has previously said that the  over a week at rates of 20,000 [bpd] in March
                         QPR covered only 9% of Block 50, for which  2021 and the production rate has since then
                         Aker Geo and Pareto in 2012 estimated best  been optimised in accordance with the reservoir
                         estimate gross unrisked prospective resources at  management plan, aimed at maximising recov-
                         more than 4bn barrels.               ery from the Yumna field.”
                           Discussing the results of the drilling cam-  Rex’s executive chairman Dan Broström
                         paign it said that the Zakhera prospect, 11 km  said: “Now that the production facilities have
                         to the south of Yumna, had good oil shows but  been upgraded, we will continue to concentrate
                         poor sand quality.                   on our sustained production from the Yumna
                           At Yumna East, 3 km east of the main asset,  Field. In 2020, gross production was approxi-
                         good-quality sands were encountered in the tar-  mately 2.12mn barrels from one well. With three
                         get reservoir, but it was water-filled. This was also  producing wells and upgraded infrastructure,
                         the case at Yumna North, 6 km north of Yumna.  we hope to produce substantially more in 2021.
                           Despite these exploration disappointments,  We aim to announce production achieved on a
                         the company said: “The results confirmed the  monthly basis going forward.”™

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