Page 13 - FSUOGM Week 05 2023
P. 13

FSUOGM                                           POLICY                                            FSUOGM

       BP plans to expand renewable energy

       investments in Azerbaijan

        AZERBAIJAIN      BP, the leading investor in the Azerbaijaini oil  of the Shafag solar power plant in the Jabrayil
                         and gas industry, is ramping up its investments  region of Azerbaijan will begin in 2023, and
       BP is the leading   in the country's solar sector as well.  its commissioning will take place in 2024. The
       investor in the Azeri oil   BP's Vice President for Communications  solar power plant is expected to generate 500
       and gas industry.  and External Relations in the Caspian and  kWh of electricity annually.
                         Middle East region, Bakhtiyar Aslanbeyli,   He also added that BP hopes that after the
                         stated in an interview with CBC channel on 26  implementation of this project the company
                         January that BP plans to expand investments  will have the opportunity to implement other
                         in renewable energy sources in Azerbaijan,  renewable energy projects in Azerbaijan.
                         and expects to sign a final investment agree-  In other comments, Aslanbeyli said that
                         ment with the government of Azerbaijan in  the current gas prices are quite objective and
                         2023 for the construction of a 240 MW Shafag  reasonable. He stated that the prices for 2023
                         solar power plant in the Jabrayil region of  will depend on how much Europe can diver-
                         Azerbaijan.                          sify gas supplies, as well as the supply of liq-
                           He explained that BP signed an executive  uefied gas, addressing energy efficiency issues,
                         agreement with the Ministry of Energy of  and the situation with Russian gas supplies to
                         Azerbaijan and negotiations are underway,  the European market. He also noted that the
                         a working group has been created, the main  current level of oil prices is attractive for future
                         commercial issues have been resolved, and  investments, but despite this, BP is trying to
                         the technical study of the issue has been com-  reduce costs and apply new technologies to
                         pleted. Aslanbeyli said that the construction  maintain competitiveness. ™

       Week 05   01•February•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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