Page 18 - FSUOGM Week 05 2023
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infrastructure for gas delivery," he said. KMG noted. The remaining volumes the State Customs Committee, traditionally,
Despite being home to a wealth of produced at the new facility would be Italy remains the main buyer, accounting for
natural resources, including gas, Uzbekistan exported, it added. 34.2% of all exports of "black gold" in 2022.
so far this winter has faced crippling energy The PE would be exported to China,
shortages amid the coldest weather endured Turkey, former Soviet countries and
for 50 years. European nations, the statement said. Azerbaijan in 2022 increased
Like neighbours in Central Asia, In November, KMG said it started
Uzbekistan, the region's most populous project development of the new PE plant to revenues from gas exports by
state, suffers from frequent power and be built in Atyrau.
heating outages due to outdated Soviet-era In December, Chevron Phillips Chemical 270%
infrastructure. and KMG signed licence and project
Bne IntelliNews has previously reported development agreements to build one of the The export of gas volumes declared at the
on how Russia during this winter is said to two units of the new PE production facility. customs from Azerbaijan in 2022 was 18.97
have proposed to Tashkent that it should bcm, which is 5.4% lower y/y, according to
take over Uzbekistan's gas transportation the State Customs Committee.
sytem as part of a deal for gas deliveries. Chevron-controlled Gas exports accounted for 39.29% of
The proposal appears to have been roundly Azerbaijan's total exports, an increase of
rejected. Tengizchevroil to boost Kazakh 14.37% y/y. Also, the value of declared gas
exports was $14.99bn, a 270% increase.
crude exports via Georgia’s The State Customs Committee doesn't
Kazakh state pipeline operator Batumi port provide a breakdown of countries to which
the gas was exported. The State Customs
sees slight decline in oil Kazakhstan's Tengizchevroil (TCO) plans based on the declaration. The declaration of
Committee maintains statistics on exports
transportation volume in 2022 to boost its crude exports via Georgia's the sold gas is provided after the actual sale,
and not at the time of its pumping through
Black Sea port of Batumi in January-
Kazakh state-run pipeline operator February to 150,000 tonnes, Reuters has pipelines.
KazTransOil has said in its yearly report reported, citing two anonymous industry Azerbaijan began exporting gas
that the oil transportation volume in the sources. through the TAP pipeline to Italy, Greece,
company’s main pipeline system amounted TCO's monthly exports via Batumi Bulgaria, and Romania on December 31,
to 40.656mn tonnes of oil in 2022, down averaged 21,000 tonnes in 2022, according 2020. Additionally, Azerbaijani gas is also
from 41.224mn tonnes recorded in 2021. to rail data seen by the news agency. exported to Turkey and Georgia through
The decline took place amid long The Caspian Pipeline Consortium the TANAP, South Caucasus Pipeline and
maintenance works at major oil fields (CPC) pipeline, which runs across Gazimagomed-Gazakh pipelines.
that were conducted following troubles Russian territory to the Black Sea port
experienced in exporting Kazakh crude via of Novorossiyska, remains TCO’s main
the CPC pipeline that runs across Russian export route. TCO is looking for ways to Volume of Kazakh LPG imported
territory last year. bypass Russia amid difficulties related to
The oil transportation volume to the ongoing war in Ukraine and sanctions by Tajikistan in 9M22 falls 17.2%
Kazakhstan’s refineries through the main imposed on Russia.
pipeline system grew by an additional Chevron-controlled TCO plans to export y/y
967,000 tonnes compared to 2021, reaching 100,000 tonnes of oil in January and 50,000
17.905mn tonnes. tonnes in February via rail to Batumi for The volume of Kazakh liquefied petroleum
As such, Atyrau Oil Refinery received seaborne exports, the sources told Reuters. gas (LPG) imported by Tajikistan in 9M22
5.261mn tonnes of oil; PetroKazakhstan amounted to 234,800 tonnes, marking a
Oil Products - 6.206mn tonnes; Pavlodar decrease of 17.2% y/y, Trend reported on
Petrochemical Plant - 5.517mn tonnes; and Azerbaijan's revenue from oil January 25, citing an Argus Media report.
CASPI BITUM JV - 922,000 tonnes. Tajikistan and Kazakhstan, meanwhile,
exports increased by almost this week reviewed prospects for the
expanded supply of gas, oil and various
KMG’s new PE plant to mainly 150% in 2022 petroleum products from the latter to the
focus on exporting output The export of declared oil from Azerbaijan between Ambassador of Tajikistan to
Discussions took place at a meeting
in 2022 amounted to ~26mn tonnes, which
Kazakh state-run oil and gas producer is 4% lower than in 2021, the State Customs Astana Khairullo Ibodzoda and Kazakh
KazMunayGas’ (KMG’s) new polyethylene Committee said in a report. The total Minister of Energy Bolat Akchulakov in the
(PE) plant with a capacity of 1.25mn tonnes value of oil exported during the reporting Kazakh capital. They also discussed current
per annum will focus on exporting most of period amounted to $19.4bn (an increase and potential cooperation between their
its output, KMG said in a press release. of 47.4%). The share of oil was 51.08% in two countries in water and the wider energy
Kazakhstan’s domestic market consumes the total export structure (-8.45% change sector.
180,000 tonnes per year of PE, with a 4% y/y). In 2022, 30 countries were buyers of
annual increase in its consumption rate, Azerbaijani oil. Among them, according to
P18 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 05 01•February•2023