Page 13 - GLNG Week 11 2022
P. 13

GLNG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              GLNG

       AFRICA                              Under the deals, Venture Global will supply   ASIA
                                           2mn tonnes per annum (mtpa) of LNG on
       Suez Canal Authority to             a free on board (FOB) basis from its LNG   GTT obtains tank design
                                           facilities in Louisiana.
       discontinue 15% discount            purchase 1 MTPA of LNG from Venture   order for three new LNG
                                             Under the first agreement, NFE will
       offered to LNG carriers             Global’s Plaquemines LNG export facility in   carriers from Hyundai
                                           Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana for a term of
       Egypt’s Suez Canal Authority (SCA) has   20 years.                       Heavy Industries
       announced that it will discontinue the 15%   “We are pleased to partner with Venture
       discount offered to LNG carriers crossing the   Global as we advance our mission of   GTT announces that it has received an order
       canal, effective March 15.          providing customers around the world   from its partner the Korean shipyard Hyundai
         SCA is taking this step in light of   with access to low-carbon natural gas and   Heavy Industries for the tank design of three
       geopolitical developments – chiefly, the   affordable electricity,” said Wes Edens,   new LNGCs.
       decision of European countries to reduce their   Chairman and CEO of NFE. “These volumes   As part of this order, GTT will design the
       reliance on Russian natural gas by switching   support our plan to expand and diversify our   tanks of the vessels, which will each offer a
       to alternative sources. This plays out to Egypt’s   stable natural gas supply portfolio to meet   capacity of 200,000 m3. The tanks will be
       advantage, as the Suez Canal is a conduit   the growing needs of our customers in a   fitted with the GTT Mark III Flex+ membrane
       for Qatari and Australian LNG shipments   structurally short global natural gas market.”  containment system, a technology developed
       heading north to markets in Europe.   In addition to 1 MTPA from Plaquemines   by GTT.
         As the shortest maritime route between   LNG, NFE agreed to purchase an additional   The vessels are scheduled for delivery
       Europe and Asia, the Suez Canal is a vital   1 MTPA of LNG from Venture Global’s CP2   during first, second and fourth quarters of
       waterway for international trade. It is also a   LNG facility, located in Cameron Parish,   2025.
       reliable source of foreign exchange revenues   Louisiana, adjacent to Venture Global’s   GTT, March 15, 2022
       for the Egyptian economy. The canal   existing Calcasieu Pass LNG facility. In
       generated $5.9bn for Egypt in the fiscal year   December 2021, Venture Global filed a formal   GTT is selected by Pacific
       2020/2021, up from $5.8bn in the previous   application requesting authorisation from
       fiscal year, which ended in June.   the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission   International Lines and
         SCA authorities estimate that the   (FERC) to site, construct, and operate the 20
       waterway’s income in the current fiscal year,   MTPA nameplate capacity CP2 LNG facility.  Jiangnan to design the
       which will end next June, may top $7bn.  “Venture Global is proud to enter into
                                           a long-term LNG partnership with New   LNG fuel tanks for four very
                                           Fortress Energy. Our companies share a
                                           commitment to keeping energy markets well   large LNG-fuelled container
       AMERICAS                            supplied while also advancing clean energy
                                           goals, through the export of low-cost US LNG   vessels
       NFE announces LNG sale              to emerging economies,” said Mike Sabel,   GTT has received an order from its partner
                                           chief executive officer of Venture Global LNG.
       and purchase agreements             “The CP2 LNG facility, adjacent to Calcasieu   the Chinese shipyard Jiangnan for the
                                           Pass, will build on our vision of making
                                                                                LNG fuel tank design of four very large
       with Venture Global LNG             Louisiana an international hub for innovation   LNG-fueled container vessels, able to carry
                                           to enhance global energy security.”
                                                                                14,000 containers each, on behalf of Pacific
       New Fortress Energy announced today the   The effectiveness of each agreement is   International Lines (PIL), a leading shipping
       execution of two 20-year Sale and Purchase   subject to customary terms and conditions.  line in Asia.
       Agreements (SPA) with Venture Global LNG.   NEW FORTRESS ENERGY, March 16, 2022  The LNG fuel tank of each vessel will offer
                                                                                a capacity of 13,800 m3 and will be fitted
                                                                                with the Mark III membrane containment
                                                                                system. These tanks will include unique
                                                                                features to facilitate a potential conversion of
                                                                                these vessels to ammonia, giving PIL greater
                                                                                operational flexibility in case of changes in
                                                                                environmental regulations.
                                                                                  In addition to the engineering services
                                                                                and on-site technical assistance, GTT will
                                                                                assist PIL through every step of their first
                                                                                LNG-fuelled project: commissioning of the
                                                                                LNG tank, first LNG bunkering operations,
                                                                                as well as further specific LNG operations
                                                                                and maintenance of the vessels. Moreover,
                                                                                GTT will provide LNG training for the
                                                                                crews, supported by its proprietary G-Sim®
                                                                                training simulator, which replicates the future

       Week 11   18•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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