Page 6 - GLNG Week 11 2022
P. 6

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Australia accelerates CCS plans

       Carbon capture and storage initiatives are picking up pace in Australia, with the

       state government of Western Australia saying it would draft a bill covering use of

       the technology

        ENERGY           CARBON capture and storage (CCS) and car-  ongoing, but in the meantime, decarbonisation
        TRANSITION       bon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS)  initiatives continue and for the oil and gas indus-
                         initiatives are picking up pace in Australia as  try, CCS is at the forefront of such initiatives.
       WHAT:             decarbonisation increasingly becomes a prior-
       Western Australia will   ity for countries and companies alike. Nowhere  Australian momentum
       draft a bill covering   is this trend more prominent than in the oil and  In Australia, CCS development is being
       carbon capture and   gas industry – a significant contributor to green-  advanced on both the federal and state levels.
       storage.          house gas (GHG) emissions, which is now trying  The federal Australian Department of Industry,
                         to balance decarbonisation goals with continu-  Science, Energy and Resources describes CCS as
       WHY:              ing to meet growing energy demand.   a “priority low-emissions technology” under the
       The move comes as   Indeed, the situation has been further com-  country’s Technology Investment Roadmap.
       CCS initiatives gain   plicated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which   According to the department, Canberra is
       momentum in the country.  is already disrupting global energy flows as a  investing more than AUD300mn ($219mn) in
                         small number of countries have banned Rus-  CCUS over a 10-year period. The investments
       WHAT NEXT:        sian energy imports. Australia is among those  will be directed into “enabling infrastructure”
       Various oil and gas   to announce a ban on Russian energy imports  for large-scale deployment of CCUS. The gov-
       companies are also   – along with the US and UK – though Can-  ernment has set a “stretch goal” of bringing the
       pushing ahead with their   berra has said the ban would only take effect  costs of carbon dioxide (CO2) compression,
       CCS projects.     after cargoes that have already been paid for are  transport and storage down to below AUD20
                         delivered. Meanwhile, the European Union has  ($15) per tonne.
                         announced an unprecedented move to reduce   Against this backdrop, regional CCS initia-
                         Russian gas imports by two-thirds within a year.  tives are now being advanced as well. The gov-
                           These developments contributed to oil prices  ernment of Western Australia said on March
                         hitting new multi-year highs in recent days  9 that it would draft a bill to provide the state’s
                         before dropping back somewhat, with gas prices  “resources sector with further investment
                         following the same trajectory. Debate over the  and regulatory certainty as it transitions to a
                         implications of this for the energy transition is  low-carbon future”.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   18•March•2022
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