Page 12 - GLNG Week 29 2021
P. 12

GLNG                                            AMERICAS                                               GLNG

       Kinder Morgan to buy Kinetrex for $310mn

        ENERGY           PIPELINE operator Kinder Morgan announced  produced from the decomposition of organic
        TRANSITION       last week that it had struck a deal to buy Kine-  waste, the RNG production process reduces
                         trex Energy from an affiliate of Parallel49 Equity  or eliminates greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
                         for $310mn. Indianapolis-based Kinetrex is the  sions. Thus this acquisition is in line with the
                         leading supplier of LNG in the US Midwest and  broader trend of pipeline operators in the US
                         is also rapidly expanding in the renewable natu-  and elsewhere taking steps to decarbonise their
                         ral gas (RNG) industry, Kinder Morgan stated.  operations.
                           Kinetrex has a 50% interest in the largest   Kinder Morgan formed an Energy Transition
                         RNG facility in Indiana and has signed com-  Ventures (ETV) unit in March 2021 to identify
                         mercial agreements to begin construction on  and pursue commercial opportunities emerging
                         three additional landfill-based RNG facilities,  from the energy transition. It is this unit that is
                         according to the statement. Once these facili-  involved in the Kinetrex acquisition.
                         ties are operational next year, Kinetrex’s total   “This is a great day in the young history of
                         RNG production from the four sites is expected  Kinder Morgan Energy Transition Ventures
                         to amount to more than 4bn cubic feet (113mn  (ETV),” said ETV’s president, Jesse Arenivas.
                         cubic metres) per year.              “We have been focused on RNG due to its poten-
                           The transaction will also include two small-  tial to grow rapidly in the near term and deliver
                         scale LNG production and fuelling facilities. It is  attractive returns, with landfills providing a low-
                         anticipated to close in the third quarter of 2021.  cost, predictable and long-term feedstock. The
                           RNG is derived from renewable sources,  team at Kinetrex has developed an outstanding
                         including organic waste in landfills, wastewater  business model and platform for future growth
                         treatment plants and agricultural operations,  in a fragmented market, and we are excited to
                         Kinder Morgan noted. By capturing methane  welcome them to Kinder Morgan.”™

                                                    AUSTRAL ASIA

       Chevron misses CCS target at Gorgon LNG

        ENERGY           SUPER-MAJOR Chevron confirmed this week  it takes time to optimise a new system to ensure
        TRANSITION       that it would not meet its carbon dioxide (CO2)  it performs reliably over 40-plus years of opera-
                         injection target at its Gorgon LNG facility,  tion,” he continued. “The road hasn’t always been
                         which has a carbon capture and storage (CCS)  smooth, but the challenges we’ve faced – and
                         component.                           overcome – make it easier for those who aspire
                           Under the terms of approval for the Gorgon  to reduce their emissions through CCS.”
                         LNG project, Chevron and its partners were   According to Hatfield, Chevron is commit-
                         required to capture 4mn tonnes per year (tpy) of  ted to sharing the lessons it has learned from
                         emissions over the first five years of operation, or  the Gorgon injection project with state and fed-
                         around 80% of total emissions over this period.  eral governments, research institutes and other
                         However, Chevron said this week that only 5mn  energy producers to assist with the deployment
                         tonnes of CO2 equivalent had been captured  of CCS across Australia.
                         since the CCS system was started up in August   However, the super-major has come under
                         2019.                                fire for missing its injection target, with envi-
                           Chevron nonetheless hailed this as a “signifi-  ronmental groups calling for it to be heavily
                         cant milestone”, saying it represented the largest  fined.
                         volume of injection achieved within this time   Advocacy group Sustainable Energy Now
                         frame by any environmental CCS system of  WA’s chair, Ian Porter, described the injection
                         comparable specifications. Chevron Australia’s  shortfall as a “shocking failure of one of the
                         managing director, Mark Hatfield, attributed  world’s largest engineering projects”.
                         the failure to meet the injection target to delays   “I sincerely hope CCS does work one day.
                         in safely starting up the CCS system.  Ultimately we need it. But until that time, it is
                           “Chevron is working with the WA [Western  reckless and disingenuous for the industry to
                         Australia] regulator on making up the shortfall  keep pretending that it can expand operations
                         and will report publicly on that later in the year,”  and reach net zero,” he was quoted by the Guard-
                         Hatfield said. “Like any pioneering endeavour,  ian as saying.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   23•July•2021
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