Page 15 - GLNG Week 29 2021
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GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

       which will each offer a cargo capacity of   is needed to achieve energy transition   the company.
       174,000 cubic metres.               goals. By partnering, Technip Energies   The ships operate on the same principle
         The LNGC built by HSHI, on behalf of   and TotalEnergies rely on complementary   as a hybrid car. At sea, they will be powered
       a Liberia ship-owner, will be fitted with the   expertise to decarbonise LNG plants and   by cleaner LNG (liquefied natural gas) fuel.
       Mark III Flex membrane technology and the   offshore facilities, supported by their   But in a first on the English Channel, they
       LNGC built by DSME, on behalf of an Asian   leadership positions in these areas.  will also operate partially or completely on
       ship-owner, will be fitted with the NO96   Arnaud Breuillac, President Exploration   battery power– for example when arriving and
       GW membrane containment system. This   & Production at TotalEnergies, declared: “For   departing ports.
       last LNGC’s order replaces the order for the   TotalEnergies as a global LNG player, this   Furthermore, they will be ready to plug in
       floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU)   collaboration brings opportunities to further   to shore-side power when this is available in
       with a capacity of 263,000 cubic metres,   innovate and strengthen our expertise in   ports. This will allow recharging of onboard
       announced in June 2020 and scheduled for   reducing GHG emissions, improving energy   batteries and power for systems like air
       delivery in 2023.                   efficiency for our LNG and offshore assets   conditioning, heating and lighting while at
         The vessels will be delivered at the end of   and developing innovative technologies such   berth, cutting funnel emissions to zero.
       2023.                               as hydrogen. It is in line with our company’s   Fleet renewal – a pillar of Brittany Ferries
       GTT, July 22, 2021                  ambition to be Carbon Neutral by 2050. We   recovery: The ships will be chartered from
                                           are looking forward to co-operating with   Stena RoRo on a ten-year agreement, with
       TotalEnergies partners              Technip Energies to find solutions helping to   a purchase option after four. They will take
                                                                                the place of Normandie and Bretagne, two
                                           advance towards a low carbon future.”
       with Technip Energies               of Technip Energies, stated: “We are very   grandes dames of the fleet. Designed to
                                              Arnaud Pieton, Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                better serve freight and passenger traffic,
       to advance low-carbon               proud to partner with TotalEnergies, a long-  they promise more scope to carry tourists
                                           standing client and partner to bring together
                                                                                to Normandy and Brittany outside of peak
       solutions for LNG and               our expertise and know-how in LNG and   holiday periods.
                                           Offshore projects to accelerate the transition
                                                                                  The move is all part of Brittany Ferries’
       offshore facilities                 towards a low-carbon society. This agreement   fleet renewal plan, one of the pillars of its five-
                                                                                year post-Covid recovery strategy. The vessels
                                           reflects our commitment to provide tangible
       TotalEnergies and Technip Energies signed   and decarbonized solutions from the earliest   will follow the deployment of Salamanca in
       a technical cooperation agreement to jointly   concept to delivery and beyond.”  2022 and Santoña in 2023, both of which will
       develop low-carbon solutions for liquefied   TOTALENERGIES AND TECHNIP ENERGIES, July  be fuelled by LNG ready to serve UK-Spain
       natural gas (LNG) production and offshore   21, 2021                     routes.
       facilities to accelerate the energy transition.                            “Fleet renewal is not a choice for Brittany
         As part of this agreement, both parties will   Two new hybrid ships for   Ferries; it is an imperative to secure our
       explore new concepts and technologies, in                                future,” said Christophe Mathieu, CEO
       order to reduce carbon footprint of existing   Brittany Ferries’ UK-France   Brittany Ferries. “Our customers rightly
       facilities and greenfield projects in key                                demand cleaner, greener vessels and our port
       areas, such as: LNG production, cryogeny,   operations                   partners expect us to be good neighbours.
       production and use of hydrogen for power                                 Furthermore, we will certainly face tighter
       generation, or processes for carbon capture,   Two new hybrid LNG-electric ships are   regulation in the years ahead. The future of
       utilisation and storage (CCUS).     coming to the Brittany Ferries fleet. They will   our company depends upon our ability to
         The qualification of new architectures and   arrive in 2024-25 to serve routes connecting   rise to the challenge today, to prepare for
       equipment that will be developed in these   Portsmouth with St Malo and Caen. As well   tomorrow. That is why I am so proud to
       areas is also part of the agreement.  as significantly cutting emissions, the hybrids   announce these new vessels.”
         This partnership is based on a common   will deliver less noise, less vibration for   BRITTANY FERRIES, July 21, 2021
       belief that cooperation across the industry   passengers and a step towards future-proofing

       Week 29   23•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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