Page 8 - GLNG Week 19 2022
P. 8
Gas firms call for US, EU to work on
global methane measurement standard
STANDARDS A group comprising over 50 natural gas compa- years some member states have scrutinised LNG
nies in the US has called on the White House and import contracts with US suppliers because of
the European Commission to establish a unified concerns about methane emissions.
global standard for quantifying methane emis- ONE Future was formed in 2014, and its
sions across the industry’s value chain, from the members committed to achieving less than 1%
wellhead to the burner tip. methane emissions intensity by 2025.
Members of the group, One Nation’s Energy “No other nation or collection of companies
Future (ONE Future), account for 19% of US gas can credibly claim emissions performance that
production, 56% of the country’s pipeline mile- approaches that of our member companies,”
age and 40% of natural gas delivered. They have Kibler said in the letter. “We have proven that our
urged the US and the EU to come up with a uni- performance-based approach to reducing meth-
versal standard for measure, reconciliation and ane emissions works by deploying it at scale and
verification of emissions, according to a copy of with demonstrable results.”
an April letter addressed to government officials Recent years have seen the rise of certi-
that was seen by Natural Gas Intelligence. fied low-emissions natural gas in the US, and
“ONE Future welcomes the recent US-Euro- supporters say this will be key for US LNG to
pean Commission natural gas agreement, and demonstrate its value as a means of curbing
strongly supports the emphasis on low emis- emissions overseas, particularly in markets
sions,” the group’s executive director Jim Kibler where natural gas can displace coal.
said in a statement. “To this end, ONE Future “American natural gas is already the safest,
would like to work with your preferred points of cleanest, most efficient and most advanced natu-
contact to develop a new global measurement, ral gas value chain in the world,” Kibler said. “Our
reconciliation and verification standard to member companies, who are without doubt at
ensure the delivery of low-emission natural gas.” the leading edge of transforming our value chain,
The US pledged to supply an additional 15bn believe that American natural gas can and should
cubic metres of LNG to the EU this year, to help do more to stabilise world energy markets, pro-
the bloc wean itself Russian imports in the wake tect the climate, and provide affordable, safe and
of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. But in past secure energy in the world.”
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 19 13•May•2022