Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 40
P. 14

LatAmOil                                  TRINIDAD & TOBAGO                                         LatAmOil

       Bahamas Petroleum wins extension

       for Goudron contract in Trinidad

                         INDEPENDENT oil and gas firm Bahamas   that its well participation agreement (WPA) for
                         Petroleum (BPC) said last week that its service   the Inniss-Trinity field in Trinidad had lapsed.
                         contract for the Goudron field in Trinidad and   The WPA was entered into in November 2017
                         Tobago had been extended until the end of the   with Predator Oil & Gas, a Jersey-headquar-
                         year because of delays related to the coronavirus   tered independent with assets in Trinidad and
                         (COVID-19) pandemic and elections.   Morocco.
                           The end date of the contract has been pushed   Predator was required to enter into a share
                         back from September 30, 2020 until December   purchase agreement under which the firm
                         31, 2020, the firm explained in an operations   would acquire the corporate entity that holds
                         update.                              100% of the Inniss-Trinity asset for $4.25mn
                           BPC has a 100% stake in the Goudron field   by the end of September, but it did not do so,
                         by means of its existing incremental production   BPC said. It also stated that it intended to retain
                         service contract (IPSC) with Trinidad and Toba-  a 100% interest in the field.
                         go’s state-run firm Heritage Petroleum.  Inniss-Trinity currently produces approxi-
                           In its statement, the Caribbean and Atlantic   mately 150 barrels per day (bpd) of oil, before
                         margin-focused oil and gas company described   the application of any enhanced oil recovery
                         the extension as an interim measure. The extra   (EOR) techniques. BPC will continue to review
                         time will allow Heritage to obtain the neces-  the application of EOR techniques and further
                         sary consents from the Ministry of Energy and   reservoir enhancement work. ™
                         Energy Industries for the implementation of a
                         new 10-year enhanced production-sharing con-
                         tract (EPSC) agreement, it explained.
                           Heritage has already submitted the EPSC
                         to the ministry, but government consent and
                         approvals have been delayed, BPC said. It attrib-
                         uted the postponement to the coronavirus pan-
                         demic and to a national election in Trinidad and
                         Tobago. BPC’s current stake in Goudron will be
                         reflected in the final EPSC, it added.
                           The company, which is headquartered in
                         the Isle of Man, has assets offshore The Baha-
                         mas and Uruguay, as well as onshore Suriname
                         and Trinidad and Tobago. It said in its update   The president has already suspended Pemex’s farm-outs (Image: BPC)

       Occidental sells onshore assets

       in Colombia to investment firm

                         HOUSTON-BASED Occidental Petroleum   targets,” it said. It also reported that it expected
                         revealed last week that it had arranged to sell   the transaction to be finalised before year-end.
                         its onshore assets in Colombia to The Carlyle   Occidental did not name the assets involved
                         Group, an investment firm based in Washington.  in the deal, but it did say that The Carlyle Group
                           In a statement dated October 1, Occidental   was set to gain control over its “operations and
                         said that The Carlyle Group had agreed to pay   working interests in the Llanos Norte, Middle
                         $825mn for the assets in question. The invest-  Magdalena and Putumayo Basins.” Addition-
                         ment firm will shell out $700mn up front, and   ally, it stressed that it was not exiting Colombia
                         the remaining $125mn will be “payable subject   altogether, as it intended to continue exploration
                         to certain production and commodity price   work at several offshore blocks.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   08•October•2020
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