Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 40
P. 16

LatAmOil                                       VENEZUEL A                                           LatAmOil

       Iranian delivers more fuel to Venezuela

                         THREE tankers filled with Iranian petroleum   with or prevent fuel shipments will be met with
                         products have arrived in Venezuela during the   “a swift and decisive response.”
                         last week. The vessels were members of a con-  The US government has imposed sanctions
                         voy bringing desperately needed supplies to the   on both Iran and Venezuela.
                         South American country.                In late 2019, the US government also began
                           The first two Iranian tankers, known as the   trying to persuade Venezuela’s foreign fuel sup-
                         Forest and the Fortune, entered Venezuelan   pliers to halt gasoline shipments in line with the
                         waters last week, according to tanker-tracking   sanction regime. It did so in the hope that its
                         data cited by Bloomberg. Ivan Freites, the leader   efforts would help oust socialist President Nico-
                         of the United Front of Petroleum Workers of   las Maduro from power.
                         Venezuela, said at the time that the Forest was   Earlier this year, Washington also sanctioned
                         making its way to port facilities operated by the   two of PdVSA’s main trading partners – Rosneft
                         El Palito refinery.                  Trading and TNK Trading International, both
                           The third tanker, known as the Faxon,   subsidiaries of the Russian oil company Rosneft
                         reached Venezuela on October 4. It docked at   – in order to step up the pressure on Caracas.
                         Puerto La Cruz.                      Rosneft has stopped direct trading with PDVSA
                           Venezuela’s national oil company (NOC)   and has said it will transfer all its Venezuelan
                         PdVSA has been importing petroleum prod-  assets to an unnamed entity that is controlled by
                         ucts from Iran in a bid to alleviate severe gas-  the Russian government. ™
                         oline shortages that have idled millions of cars,
                         disrupted public transportation and impeded
                         shipments of food into Venezuelan cities.
                           PdVSA’s cash-strapped refineries are in no
                         position to cover domestic fuel demand, as they
                         have been running at a fraction of their capacity
                         in recent months.
                           This is the second time Iran has supplied
                         Venezuela with fuel since the end of May. At
                         that time, a flotilla of five vessels delivered 1.5mn
                         barrels of Iranian gasoline and fuel additives, as
                         well as parts for local refineries.
                           Tehran did attempt to send more gasoline to
                         Caracas in August, but the US intercepted and
                         seized those vessels. Iran’s Foreign Ministry has
                         said that any attempt by Washington to interfere    Fuel shortages are widespread in Venezuela (Photo:

       ExxonMobil makes FID on Payara project

                         US-BASED ExxonMobil and its partners have   Phase 2. Liza Phase 1, the only operating sec-
                         made a final investment decision (FID) in favour   tion of the block, began commercial operations
                         of proceeding with the development of Payara, a   in December 2019, and Liza Phase 2 is slated to
                         section of the Stabroek block offshore Guyana.  start production in early 2022.
                           In a statement, the super-major said the   The statement noted that ExxonMobil hoped
                         investors had taken this step after securing the   to develop other sections of Stabroek. “Exxon-
                         Guyanese government’s approval for its plans,   Mobil is evaluating additional development
                         which carry a price tag of $9bn. Those plans call   opportunities in the Stabroek block, includ-
                         for Payara, which holds about 600mn barrels   ing [the] Redtail, Yellowtail, Mako and Uaru
                         of oil equivalent (boe) in recoverable reserves,   resources, and plans to have five drillships oper-
                         to achieve first oil in 2024 (and not in 2023, as   ating offshore Guyana by the end of this year,”
                         originally intended). Production levels at the   it said.
                         field will eventually peak at 220,000 barrels per
                         day (bpd).                           Contract awards
                           Payara will be the third section of Stabroek   The Payara project also made progress on other
                         to come online, following Liza Phase 1 and Liza   fronts last week.

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   08•October•2020
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