Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 40
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

       Presidential priorities

       Lopez Obrador has unveiled a new infrastructure investment programme
       that signals his continued commitment to Pemex and the public sector

                         EARLIER  this week, Mexican  President   expansion projects at two refineries owned by
                         Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador unveiled his   Pemex, the national oil company (NOC).
       WHAT:             government’s new infrastructure investment   The larger of the two projects envisions the
       The Mexican government   programme.                    completion and installation of a new coking
       hopes to attract MXN99bn   Speaking during his daily press confer-  unit at the Tula refinery, which lies to the north
       for five oil and gas   ence in Mexico City, Lopez Obrador indicated   of Mexico City in Hidalgo State. Pemex began
       projects.         that the programme encompassed dozens of   work on the unit before Lopez Obrador was
                         projects that were likely to require more than   elected president in 2018 but has not yet fin-
       WHY:              MXN297bn ($13.93bn) worth of investment.   ished it.
       These projects appear   This is equivalent to slightly more than 1% of the   The cost of this project is set to reach
       to be mostly in line with   country’s GDP, according to Treasury Secretary   MXN54.7bn ($2.56bn), equivalent to more than
       Lopez Obrador’s overall   Arturo Herrera, who also attended the briefing.  55% of the total amount needed for oil and gas
       approach.           About a third of all the money needed for   initiatives under the infrastructure investment
                         infrastructure projects, or MXN99bn ($4.64bn),   programme.
       WHAT NEXT:        is slated to go to the oil and gas industry, where   The smaller project, meanwhile, provides for
       The president has   the government is looking to implement five   the rehabilitation of an existing coker at Pemex’s
       conceded the need for   projects. This essay will provide a very brief   Cadereyta refinery, which is near the city of
       private investment, but   overview of the state’s plans.  Monterrey in Nuevo Leon State. This initiative
       private companies may
       be reluctant to jump on                                is expected to carry a price tag of MXN15.4bn
       board.            Crude oil                            ($722.1mn).
                         With respect to oil, the presidential admin-  Both of these schemes are in line with the
                         istration is looking to support upgrade and   current president’s approach to energy issues.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   08•October•2020
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