Page 7 - LatAmOil Week 40
P. 7

LatAmOil                                       COMMENTARY                                          LatAmOil

                         It has also pledged to lower the Scope 3 emis-  company also plans to scale back its oil prod-
                         sions of its customers elsewhere to under the   uct sales, partially replacing them with sales of
                         level in 2015.                       biofuels.
                           These goals build on the promise it made in   Total recently announced it would convert its
                         May to bring its Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions to net   93,000 barrel per day (bpd) Grandpuits oil refin-
                         zero in Europe by 2050, and slash emissions in   ery near Paris to produce biofuel and bioplastics.
                         the rest of the world by 60%.        Meanwhile, it does not intend to build any new
                           “We want to transform Total to meet a dual   conventional refineries, instead scaling back
                         challenge – more energy and less carbon,” Pouy-  its European refining capacity to better match
                         anne explained. “The time is right to accelerate   demand. Europe’s refining sector has struggled
                         growth in low carbon. The real risk is not partic-  with overcapacity for years, especially in France.
                         ipating in the transition and being left behind.”  The COVID-19 pandemic has put unprece-
                           Total wants to ramp up its overall energy   dented pressure on the sector, however, and will
                         production from 3 to 4mn barrels of oil equiv-  likely spur rationalisation.
                         alent per day (boepd) with increased LNG and   While the oil industry is set to reach its peak
                         mostly renewable electricity generation. It wants   in just 10 years, Total will continue advancing
                         to expand investments in renewables and gen-  low-cost oil projects that are resilient to price
                         eral power from $2bn to $3bn annually, so that   volatility, Pouyanne said. He said the Middle
                         they represent more than 20% of its total capital   East and North Africa offered the lowest costs,
                         spending.                            and would therefore be Total’s main focuses for
                           Total is targeting 50 TWh of net power   upstream opportunities.
                         generation and 80 TWh of sales by 2025 from   “Oil and gas is the engine of the energy
                         gas-fired power and renewables. It is striving   transition,” he said. “Oil and gas will continue
                         to become a “world leader” in renewables, with   to receive a major part of [investment] because
                         plans to have 35 GW of gross capacity in opera-  we need to deliver cash flow from oil and gas to
                         tion by 2025. It will add 10 GW per year beyond   fund the growth we want to deliver in renewa-
                         that point.                          bles and electricity,” he said.
                           Oil and gas production will be vital for fund-  Capital spending will be capped at a “cau-
                         ing these investments, although Total will work   tious” $12bn in 2021, versus $14bn this year, but
                         to decarbonise its gas by developing biogas   will climb to $13-16bn annually between 2022
                         and hydrogen production, Pouyanne said. The   and 2025, Pouyanne said. ™

       OPEC+ output levels broadly steady

       OPEC+ oil production was more or less steady in September, as increases and decreases balanced out

                         COMBINED oil production by OPEC+ mem-  assertion by Minister of Energy Suhail Al-Maz-
                         bers increased by 40,000 barrels per day (bpd) in   rouei during the OPEC+ group’s September
       WHAT:             September as the UAE cut its output by around   meeting that the output quota of 2.59mn bpd of
       A major output reduction   10%, balancing out increases from others that   crude would not be exceeded. It had overpro-
       by the UAE was offset by   have struggled to stay within imposed limits.  duced in both July and August.
       increases by Iran, Iraq,   The Emirates’ cuts brought its oil and con-  July’s oversupply came despite Abu Dhabi
       Libya and Venezuela.  densate output level to 2.43mn bpd – the lowest   National Oil Co. (ADNOC) having shut down
                         for nearly two years, with crude down around   the onshore Bab oilfield in late June to carry out
       WHY:              310,000 bpd and condensates dropping a fur-  maintenance. The field, which had been produc-
       The Emirates have been   ther 170,000 bpd. The combined total repre-  ing more than 370,000 bpd of light, sour Mur-
       under pressure from   sents a reduction of 480,000 bpd from October   ban crude, has a capacity of 420,000 bpd, but had
       OPEC+’s de-facto leader   2018, according to tracking data compiled by   remained offline until late July.
       Saudi Arabia to comply   Bloomberg.                      In June, the UAE had joined Saudi Arabia
       with production cuts.
                           The September reductions offset roughly   and Kuwait in cutting extra production vol-
       WHAT NEXT:        190,000 bpd of additional output from Iran,   umes, with OPEC’s three swing producers
                                                              reducing output by 100,000 bpd, 1mn bpd and
                         Libya and Venezuela, all of which are exempt
       Saudi Arabia ramped
       up its own exports amid   from the OPEC+ reduction agreement owing to   80,000 bpd respectively. Prior to the additional
       higher demand from   their respective domestic struggles, and another   cuts, the emirates committed to limit produc-
       buyers in India and South   uptick in output from the group’s biggest com-  tion to 2.44mn bpd from May until the end of
       Korea.            pliance offender Iraq.               July, giving an estimated net average for the
                                                              month of 2.34mn bpd.
                         UAE cutback                            During September 1-15 production averaged
                         The UAE’s reductions suggest that it is edging   2.9mn bpd, dropping by nearly 1mn bpd during
                         closer to compliance with the cuts, following the   September 16-30 when it averaged 1.95mn bpd.

       Week 40   08•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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