Page 8 - FSUOGM Week 09 2022
P. 8

FSUOGM                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                         FSUOGM

       Italy to take "exceptional" measures

       to ease Russian gas supply risks

        ITALY            ITALY is preparing to introduce “exceptional”  but that the supply situation is currently “ade-
                         measures to ease the risk of a disruption to Rus-  quate” to cover domestic demand.
       Italy is one of the main   sian gas supplies following Moscow’s invasion of   Italy has some 7.3 bcm of gas currently in
       markets for Russian gas   Ukraine, its government said in a statement on  storage, according to data published by Gas
       in Europe.        February 26.                         Infrastructure Europe, representing 39% of full
                           Italy is the second-biggest gas importer in  capacity. GIE data shows that EU-level stocks are
                         Europe, and much of this supply comes from  currently only 30% full.
                         Russia. It bought 21bn cubic metres of gas from   In addition to Russian supplies, Italy also
                         Russia’s state-owned Gazprom in 2020, covering  receives piped gas from Algeria, Libya and Azer-
                         approximately a third of its demand. But like  baijan, and also has three terminals where it can
                         Germany to the north, Italy is now reassessing its  import LNG.
                         reliance on Russian energy in light of the latter's   Further ahead, Italian Prime Minister Mario
                         actions in Ukraine.                  Draghi has called on Italy to reduce its reliance
                           Italian gas storage is already heavily regu-  on Russian gas.
                         lated, requiring users to keep a minimum level   “The events of these days show it was impru-
                         of stocks in the country. But further measures  dent not to have diversified more our sources
                         are needed given the country’s relative depend-  of energy and our suppliers in recent decades,”
                         ence on Russian imports, Italy’s Ministry of  Draghi said.
                         Ecological Transition said in a statement on   Specifically, Italy will look to bring more gas
                         February 26.                         in from the US, Draghi said, thanking US Pres-
                           “The level of danger of the threat to supplies  ident Joe Biden for his aid in facilitating this, as
                         is significantly higher than that envisaged in the  well as from Azerbaijan, Algeria, Tunisia and
                         risk analyses carried out in the past, from which  Libya. An expansion in Azeri supply would
                         the current preventive and emergency action  require additional upstream development in the
                         plans derive,” the ministry said. It added that it  Caspian Sea and an expansion in the capacity of
                         wanted to make gas system users aware of the  the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC) pipeline sys-
                         uncertainty relating to the conflict in Ukraine,  tem. ™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   02•March•2022
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