Page 15 - DMEA Week 42 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       COMPANIES                           of Nigeria as they have become household   board has approved the merger of the unit
                                           names.                               that operates the Bina oil refinery in Madhya
       Turkey to reorganise state          Popular brand in the new Top of the Mind   Pradesh with itself.
                                             Also, MTN Nigeria trailed as the Most
                                                                                  “The Board of Directors of the company
       firms ahead of listings,            (TOM) survey conducted among corporate   (BPCL) at its meeting held on October 21,
                                           executives in the country.
                                                                                2021, has considered and approved the
       sales                               were deployed, and they include brand   Scheme of Amalgamation of Bharat Oman
                                             In rating the brands, seven metrics
                                                                                Refineries Ltd with the company,” the firm
       Turkey is reportedly preparing to reorganise   popularity; quality element; market   said in a stock exchange filing.
       some of its largest state companies ahead of   leadership; innovation; national spread;   BORL is currently a wholly-owned
       possible stake sales or public offerings, with a   CSR-environmental friendliness and online   subsidiary of BPCL. It operates a 7.8 million
       focus on energy companies including state gas   engagements.             tonnes a year capacity oil refinery at Bina in
       importer and pipeline operator Botas.  Of the seven metrics, according to the   Madhya Pradesh.
         People with knowledge of the plan   report, Dangote brand came tops in five,   The merger follows BPCL recently buying
       divulged the scenario, Bloomberg reported on   beating MTN to a distant second. The ratings   out partner Oman Oil in BORL.
       October 20.                         were made public, over the weekend, at the   BPCL operates a 12 million tonnes
         The government is said to want to split   annual top corporate brand evaluation report   capacity oil refinery at Mumbai and another
       Botas into three entities and organise trading   by Top 50 Brands Nigeria.  15.5 million tonnes capacity unit at Kochi in
       and pipelines as separate businesses, in line   The annual top brands league table   Kerala.
       with legislation aimed at liberalising the   which has become like a report card with   The merger will provide “cost optimisation
       gas market. Botas’s natural gas trade, gas   which top corporate brands have a feel of   in the purchase of crude oil for the refineries,”
       infrastructure and crude pipeline operations   their ranking in the market is done with a   BPCL said, adding it would also provide
       would be established as separate corporations.  special purpose model, the Brand Strength   optimisation in production planning/product
         The government has previously slated state   Measurement (BSM Index), a model that tests   mix for the refineries.
       electricity transmission company Teias for   a brand’s ability to deliver on its promise to   More efficient space management,
       an initial public offering (IPO) by the end of   its consumers from the consumers’ points   integrated asset management and de-
       2022, while it’s been selling assets from state   of view. It is a qualitative, non-financial   duplication of processes wherever possible
       power producer Euas’ portfolio for decades.  evaluation of top corporate brands in the   across refineries will be another benefit.
         No major Turkish state company has   country, which is done annually.    Also, the combined inventory management
       offered a stake for sale in recent years.   The Brand Consulting firm’s CEO, Taiwo   and availing of easier financial support for
       Turkey’s privatisation revenue fell to a   Oluboyede said, without any doubt, the   business will be possible, BPCL said.
       33-year-low of $22mn in 2020 versus a peak   subject of brand and branding has become   “No consideration in form of cash or shares
       of $12.5bn in 2013, according to Privatization   central in every corporate setting. And   is proposed to be issued as consideration for
       Administration data cited by Bloomberg.  regardless of the sounds of the time, the brand   amalgamation of BORL with BPCL,” the filing
       BNE                                 drives and determines corporate placement,   said.
                                           particularly at an unprecedented time like   When the amalgamation becomes effective,
       Dangote becomes Nigeria’s           this.                                all the employees of the BORL shall become
                                                                                employees of BPCL on terms and conditions
       most valuable brand                                                      not less favourable than those on which they
                                                                                are presently engaged with.
       For the fourth time in a row, Dangote Group   Bharat Petroleum to merge    “On the Scheme becoming effective,
       has emerged as the most valuable brand in   with subsidiary              (BORL) shall stand dissolved without winding
       Nigeria for the year 2021.                                               up and the board and any committees thereof
         The Dangote Group products need no   Privatisation-bound Bharat Petroleum   shall without any further act, instrument or
       introduction across the length and breadth   Corporation Ltd (BPCL) on Friday said its   deed be and stand discharged,” it said, adding

       Week 42   21•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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