Page 16 - DMEA Week 42 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       on and from the effective date, the name of   the first six months of this [calendar] year and   Planned to be commissioned within
       BORL shall be struck off from the records of   supplied them to global markets after meeting   24 months, the new onshore pipeline will
       the concerned Registrar of Companies (RoC).  domestic needs,” Jalal Mirhashemi production   connect the natural gas grids of the two
       HINDU                               control manager of the NPC said.     countries through the north of the Sinai
                                              He added, “Production of petrochemical   peninsula, reported Reuters citing industry
                                           products based on the plans made in the first   sources close to the discussions.
       FUELS                               6 months of this year has seen growth, with an   Currently, approvals are being sought from
                                           eight percent increase over the same period   local authorities for the pipeline route. The
       ADNOC offers 6 LNG cargoes          last year.”                          project will be owned by Israel Natural Gas
                                              The official added that due to the spread
       for April-Sept                      of coronavirus in the country, the supply of   boosting LNG export from Egypt to Europe
                                                                                  The project is also expected to help in
                                           raw materials for grades of petrochemicals
       Abu Dhabi National Oil Co (ADNOC) has   required by the country’s health sector,   and Asia.
       offered six liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargoes  including grades used to build mask have   Israel is currently supplying five billion
       for loading at its Das Island plant next year,   been produced by the local company.  cubic metres per year of natural gas to Egypt
       three industry sources said.           He added the local producers of   from its Tamar and Leviathan offshore gas
         The cargoes are for loading between April   petrochemical products have seen a boost in   fields, via a subsea pipeline as part of a 15-year
       and September, one of the sources said.  demand locally for their products.  supply contract between the countries.
         The tender closes on Friday, a second   BNE                              Israel and Egypt are planning to construct
       source said.                                                             a second subsea pipeline, which will supply
       REUTERS                                                                  LNG plants of Idku and Damietta in Egypt.
                                           PIPELINES                            The fuel would be further re-exported to
                                                                                Europe and Asia.
                                           Israel plans new pipeline to         export capacity to eight billion cubic metres
       PETROCHEMICALS                                                             By 2028, Israel is expected to boost its
       Iran petchem output                 boost gas exports to Egypt           per year following the expansion of the
                                                                                Leviathan field and improvement of existing
       increases 8% in first half          Israel is reportedly looking to construct a   infrastructure.
                                           new natural gas pipeline to Egypt, with an
                                                                                  The Leviathan field partners include
       Iran’s petrochemical output increased 8% in   estimated investment of $200m, in the wake of  Chevron and Delek Drilling, a part of Delek
       the first half of the current Persian calendar   surging demand for supplies globally.  Group.
       year (March 21 to September 22), according to   The proposed project is expected to boost   Delek Drilling CEO Yossi Abu was
       the National Petrochemical Company (NPC)   Israel’s natural gas exports capacity by three   reported by Reuters as saying: “There is
       on October 19.                      to five billion cubic metres per year to Egypt,   no doubt Egypt has all the qualities and
         Iran has focused its efforts on pushing   reported Reuters citing the Israeli energy   conditions to become global hub which will
       ahead with petrochemicals as a value added   ministry.                   concentrate additional volumes of gas from
       product in recent years as sanctions on   Israel Energy Ministry said in a statement   Israel, Cyprus and surrounding regions and be
       traditional exports of oil and gas have proved   to the news agency: “Israel and Egypt are   a focal point of gas trade both regionally and
       difficult due to US sanctions. Significant   holding talks on possible cooperation in the   globally.”
       investment has been placed towards the south   supply of natural gas.    OFFSHORE TECH
       of the country with the creation of the Persian   “One of the options being studied,
       Gulf Star refinery complex.         following a request by Egypt for further
         “Petrochemical complexes produced   natural gas supplies, is an onshore gas
       32.8mn tonnes of various petrochemicals in   pipeline.”

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   21•October•2021
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