Page 4 - GLNG Week 04 2022
P. 4

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Ukraine crisis prompts

       LNG questions

       The Ukraine crisis has prompted questions over how the LNG

       market would respond to an escalation and what the impact

       would be

        POLICY           THE standoff between Russia and the West over  impacts on the LNG market are increasingly
                         Ukraine is leading to growing speculation over  under discussion illustrates that this scenario is
       WHAT:             the possibility – however unlikely – that Russian  at least being considered.
       Questions are being   gas deliveries to Europe could be affected if the
       raised over the impact of   situation escalates. This has significant implica-  Tensions
       LNG volumes potentially   tions for the LNG industry, and questions are  Tensions have been growing over Ukraine
       being diverted to Europe.  increasingly being asked about the possibility  in recent weeks, with Russia having amassed
                         of diverting additional LNG volumes to Europe  around 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border,
       WHY:              and how this would affect global markets.  leading to fears that a war could imminent.
       There are fears that an   This comes as Russian gas pipeline flows to   Russia has denied that it intends to invade
       escalation of the Ukraine   Europe remain low, with the Yamal-Europe  Ukraine, and has said it is prepared to continue
       crisis could disrupt   pipeline flowing in reverse mode – away from  talks with the US over the European security
       Russian gas supplies to   Germany – for the 38th consecutive day as of  situation. However, it has also indicated that
       Europe and alternative   January 28. This has been attributed in part to  such talks stand to achieve little after the US and
       supplies could be   market dynamics, with buyers preferring to  Nato rejected Moscow’s demand for a veto on
       needed.           withdraw gas from storage to making more  Ukraine ever joining the military alliance.
                         expensive purchases on the spot market in the   Against this backdrop, some players have
       WHAT NEXT:        current price environment. But at the same time,  begun to explore contingency plans for supply-
       A complete curtailment   Moscow has been accused of deliberately limit-  ing gas to Europe in the event that Russian sup-
       of Russian gas flows to   ing exports to Europe in a bid to exacerbate the  plies are cut off. In mid-January, it emerged that
       Europe is considered   continent’s gas supply issues for political ends.  the US government had held talks with several
       unlikely, but the   Analysts currently do not believe that Russian  international energy companies about the pos-
       potential implications   gas supplies to Europe will stop altogether, argu-  sibility of supplying gas to Europe.
       are increasingly being   ing that it would be in neither side’s interest to   Citing sources familiar with the matter, Reu-
       examined.         bring about such a situation even if the Ukraine  ters reported on January 15 that the US Depart-
                         crisis escalates. However, the fact that potential  ment of State’s (DoS) discussions were being

                                                                                                  Ukrainian, US and
                                                                                                  NATO soldiers carrying
                                                                                                  out exercises
                                                                                                  Source: AFP

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 04   28•January•2022
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