Page 7 - GLNG Week 04 2022
P. 7

GLNG                                           AMERICAS                                               GLNG

       Trinidad and Tobago reports progress

       in talks on Atlantic LNG restructuring

        PROJECTS &       TRINIDAD and Tobago’s Ministry of Energy  other stakeholders had signed this document.
        COMPANIES        and Energy Industries revealed earlier this week  However, it noted that China Investment Corp.
                         that it was moving closer to a deal on the restruc-  (CIC), which has a stake in the plant’s first
                         turing of Atlantic LNG, a four-train gas liquefac-  production train, had been talking to the gov-
                         tion plant and export terminal in Point Fortin.  ernment and other shareholders about restruc-
                           In a statement dated January 24, the ministry  turing, even though it was not taking an active   Atlantic LNG is
                         said it had joined with National Gas Co. of Trin-  role in that process.
                         idad and Tobago Ltd (NGC) in signing a heads   The parties have been in talks on the fate of   unusual, in that
                         of agreement (HoA) with the two largest share-  Atlantic LNG since 2018, owing to concerns
                         holders in Atlantic LNG – namely, affiliates of BP  about falling production. Those concerns grew  it is not owned by
                         (UK) and Royal Dutch Shell (UK/Netherlands).  more acute in 2019, after BP announced that
                         It noted that the parties had signed the docu-  it could not maintain gas supplies to the lique- a single company
                         ment “after months of discussions and complex  faction plant at the level of 500mn cubic feet   or a consortium.
                         negotiations.”                       (14.16mn cubic metres) per day because its
                           With respect to the details of the HoA, the  infill drilling project was yielding disappoint-
                         statement noted that Shell, BP and NGC had  ing results. Since then, Atlantic LNG’s output
                         pledged to continue discussions on restructur-  has declined even more, and its first production
                         ing, with the intent of completing and executing  train suspended operations after a maintenance
                         an agreement by June 30, 2022. (It did not say  programme for want of feedstock.
                         whether BP and Shell had resolved earlier dis-  Atlantic LNG is unusual, in that it is not
                         putes over whether the final agreement would  owned by a single company or a consortium.
                         involve a reorganisation of the shareholder  Instead, it has four different sets of owners, or one
                         structure.)                          set for each of its four production trains. Train 1
                           Additionally, it reported that the BP and  is owned 46% by Shell, 34% by BP (UK), 10%
                         Shell affiliates had signed a separate HoA out-  by NGC and 10% by CIC. Meanwhile, Trains 2
                         lining their good-faith commitment to pursue  and 3 are owned 57.5% by Shell and 42.5% by BP,
                         discussions on the restructuring of Atlantic  while Train 4 is owned 51.11% by Shell, 37.78%
                         LNG. The ministry did not say whether any  by BP and 11.11% by NGC.™

       Week 04   28•January•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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