Page 14 - AfrElec Week 50 2022
P. 14

AfrElec                                             GRID                                              AfrElec

       Mozambique to boost

       electricity access through

       563-km transmission line

        MOZAMBIQUE       MOZAMBIQUE is constructing a $400mn  interconnection between the Central–North and
                         electricity transmission line to connect 1.5mn  South Transport Systems, and should be com-
                         households across three provinces by 2026,  plemented by phase two which will interconnect
                         according to Macao News.             Inhambane and Tete to transmit electricity to be
                           The line will connect Vilanculos, on the  produced at $760mn, 400MW, natural gas-fired
                         Indian Ocean coast in central Inhambane  Temane plant.  
                         Province, through Gaza Province and Maputo,   “Linked to the Temane–Maputo line, three
                         563km to the south.                  new substations will be built in Vilanculos
                           National Society for Energy Transport (STE),  (Inhambane), Chibuto (Gaza) and Matalane
                         which is fully owned by power utility Electrici-  (Maputo Province), which will boost the supply
                         dade de Moçambique, will manage the 400-kilo-  of energy in those regions and expand the elec-
                         volt line.                           tricity access base,” Macao News writes.™
                           The project is the first stage for the

       EU allocates €307mn towards

       Italy-Tunisia underwater

       power line project

        TUNISIA          THE European Union is financing an Italy-Tu-  management of renewable energy flows.
                         nisia underwater power line with an investment   The authorisation process for this project has
                         of around €307mn ($323.4mn), according to the  started, according to Terna’s website. Around
                         European Commission and Italian power grid  €850mn has been allocated to this project, and
                         operator Terna.                      around €307mn has been secured from the
                            Amid the ongoing war in Ukraine, Italy wants  Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the EU fund
                         to reduce its gas dependence on Russia, hence  aimed at supporting energy infrastructure pro-
                         the link to Africa to import electricity generated  jects in the EU.
                         from renewable energy sources.         This decision is significant, as it is the first
                            The submarine interconnection between  time the CEF has funded a project which
                         the two continents will transform Italy into  includes a member state and a third country.™
                         the energy hub of the Mediterranean for the

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 50  14•December•2022
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