Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 11 2022
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LatAmOil                           NEWS IN BRIEF                                                   LatAmOil

                                                                                connection with the 2028 Senior Notes offering,
                                                                                the Corporation entered into a tender offer with
                                                                                Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC to purchase
                                                                                any and all of the outstanding $320mn Senior
                                                                                Notes due in 2025, which were subject to a 7.25%
                                                                                interest rate. The Corporation used the $500mn
                                                                                proceeds to repay its Credit Suisse Bank Debt of
                                                                                $30mn and refinance its 2025 Senior Notes of
                                                                                  As at December 31, 2021, the Corporation
                                                                                had $138.5mn in cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                and $148.1mn in working capital surplus. The
                                                                                increase in cash and cash equivalents was mainly
                                                                                due to the refinancing of the Corporation’s Sen-
                                                                                ior Notes with an incremental principal amount
                                                                                of $180mn. The Senior Notes interest rate was
                                                                                reduced from 7.25% to 5.75% per annum.
                                                                                Canacol Energy, March 17 2022
                                                                                Crown Point announces

                                                                                results for Q4-2021 and

                                                                                full year 2021
       to $0.20 per basic share and $0.80 per basic share   The Corporation’s natural gas operating
       for the same periods in 2020, respectively.  netback decreased 5% to $3.40 per mcf in the  Crown Point Energy today announced its oper-
         Adjusted EBITDAX increased 7% and 4%  year ended December 31, 2021, compared to  ating results for the three months and year ended
       to $49.2mn and $194.4mn for the three months  $3.57 per mcf for the same period in 2020. The  December 31, 2021.
       and year ended December 31, 2021, compared to  decrease is mainly due to the lower average real-  Tierra del Fuego Concession (TDF): YPF,
       $45.9mn and $187.5mn for the same periods in  ised prices, net of transportation expense due to  operator of the Cruz del Sur oil storage and off-
       2020, respectively.                 lower priced fixed contracts for the 2021 con-  shore loading facilities, recently gave notice that
         The Corporation realised a net income of  tract year, compared to the 2020 contract year. In  the offshore loading facility was being closed due
       $7mn and $15.2mn for the three months and  addition, the Corporation’s operating expenses  to technical difficulties. YPF had intended to
       year ended December 31, 2021, compared to a  per mcf increased 4% to $0.28 per mcf in the year  decommission the offshore loading facilities in
       net income of $0.9mn and a net loss of $4.7mn  ended December 31, 2021, compared to $0.27  July 2022 but has now decided to cease offshore
       for the same periods in 2020, respectively. The  per mcf for the same period in 2020.  loading operations immediately.
       net income realised during the three months   Net capital expenditures for the three months   Crown Point, together with its joint venture
       and year ended December 31, 2021 was mainly  and year ended December 31, 2021 were  partners and YPF, have been building a 23-km,
       due to a lower deferred tax expense of $10.7mn  $21.6mn and $99.9mn, respectively. Net capital  6-inch oil pipeline to connect the Cruz del Sur oil
       and $37.4mn realised during the three months  expenditures included non-cash adjustments  storage facility and the San Martin oil field with
       and year ended December 31, 2021, respec-  related mainly to decommissioning obligations  the Total Austral operated Rio Cullen marine
       tively, which was mainly as a result of the  and right-of-use leased assets of $1.5mn and  terminal, in anticipation of the Cruz del Sur off-
       de-recognition of certain deferred tax assets for  $2.9mn for the three months and year ended  shore loading facility closure in the second half
       non-capital losses in Q4 2020. In addition, there  December 31, 2021, respectively.  of 2022. This project will be accelerated. How-
       were increased revenues, net of transportation   On June 17, 2021, the Corporation entered  ever, in the interim Crown Point together with
       expenses in 2021 due to higher sales volumes.  into a three-year term credit agreement with  its joint venture partners are arranging to export
         The Corporation’s natural gas operating net-  Banco Davivienda for a principal amount of  oil by truck to the ENAP refinery at San Grego-
       back slightly increased to $3.59 per mcf in the  $12.9mn denominated in COP, which is subject  rio, Chile and to the Total Austral operated Rio
       three months ended December 31, 2021, com-  to an annual interest rate of IBR plus 2.5%. (IBR  Cullen marine terminal in Tierra del Fuego. The
       pared to $3.58 per mcf for the same period in  was 1.86% at the agreement date.) The Colombia  sales price at both San Gregorio and Rio Cullen
       2020. The increase is mainly due to a decrease  Bank Debt was used to repay the Corporation’s  is indexed to the Brent oil price.
       in royalties by 8% to $0.67 per mcf in the three  litigation settlement liability, which was subject   La Angostura Concession: During 2021, San
       months ended December 31, 2021, compared to  to an 8.74% annual interest rate. The principal is  Martin oil production averaged 1,666 (net 579)
       $0.73 per mcf for the same period in 2020. The  scheduled to mature three years from the agree-  barrels of oil per day. Oil is transported through
       decrease of royalties was due to lower produc-  ment date.               the Company-owned San Martin oil pipeline
       tion at the Corporation’s VIM-5 block, which is   On November 24, 2021, the Corporation  connecting the field to the Cruz del Sur facil-
       subject to a higher royalty rate. The lower roy-  completed a private offering of senior unse-  ity for storage and subsequent sale. During the
       alties were offset by higher operating expenses  cured notes in the aggregate principal amount of  latter part of Q3-2021, colder weather caused a
       per mcf of 9% to $0.35 per mcf during the three  $500mn. The 2028 Senior Notes will pay interest  buildup of paraffin deposits in the San Martin oil
       months ended December 31, 2021, compared  semi-annually at a rate of 5.75% per annum, and  pipeline forcing its temporary shutdown. Dur-
       to $0.32 per mcf for the same period in 2020,  will mature in 2028, unless earlier redeemed or  ing this time oil was trucked to the Cruz del Sur
       mainly due to an increase in maintenance costs.  repurchased in accordance with their terms. In  facility.

       Week 11   17•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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