Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 11 2022
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                                                                PROJECTS & COMPANIES

                                                                                Touchstone Exploration

                                                                                receives approval of Ortoire
                                                                                licence extension

                                                                                Touchstone Exploration has announced that the
                                                                                Government of Trinidad and Tobago (GoTT)
                                                                                has approved a five-year extension of the explo-
                                                                                ration and production licence for the Ortoire
                                                                                block. Touchstone has an 80% operating work-
                                                                                ing interest in the Licence, with Heritage Petro-
                                                                                leum Co. holding the remaining 20% working
                                                                                  The Company was informed by the Trini-
       The Company plans to drill a step-out well (SM  well in the San Martin structure; $0.4mn to com-  dad and Tobago Ministry of Energy and Energy
       a-1004) on the western flank of the San Martin  plete the construction of an oil field pipeline  Industries (MEEI) that the GoTT approved a
       structure in Q1-2022 to test for oil in a fault com-  to a new delivery point at the Cullen terminal  five-year extension of the exploration period
       partment immediately west of the SM x-1002  operated by Total Austral, located in the north  of the Ortoire Licence to July 31, 2026. As part
       producing well. During February 2022, the  of TDF and $1.2mn in other improvements to  of the extension, Touchstone is required to drill
       Company commenced equipment mobilisation  facilities) and $2.4mn for well workovers, facili-  three exploration wells to minimum depths of
       to the well location.               ties improvements and optimisation in CH.  6,000 true vertical feet prior to the end of the
         Las Violetas Concession: During 2021, nat-  The Company’s capital spending on explora-  amended Licence term. The three exploration
       ural gas production from the Las Violetas con-  tion and evaluation assets in 2022 is budgeted  wells are in addition to the five previous wells
       cession averaged 14,570 (net 5,060) mcf per day  at $2.4mn to drill and complete the CPE.MdN.  drilled to date on the property. Similar to the pre-
       and oil production averaged 348 (net 121) bar-  VS.xp-3(d) exploration well on the CLL explo-  vious minimum work programme, Touchstone
       rels of oil per day. Oil produced in association  ration permit.         will be responsible for 100% of the drilling, com-
       with natural gas production is trucked to the San   Crown Point Energy, March 14 2022  pletion and testing costs for the three additional
       Martin field, blended with San Martin oil and                            exploration wells. Each party to the Licence
       transported to Cruz del Sur for storage and sale.  President reports positive   remains responsible for its working interest costs
         The Company plans to drill a horizontal                                associated with the development of commercial
       development well in the Las Violetas oil pool   production sales         fields, including expenditures relating to facili-
       in Q1-2022, located in the northeast corner of                           ties construction and development well drilling.
       the Concession and targeting the Springhill  President is pleased to report the following pos-  The Licence extension will permit Touch-
       Formation.                          itive production sales news.         stone to continue exploration operations on
         Chañares Herrados (CH) Concession: On  President has received approval from the regula-  acreage that have not already been deemed com-
       March 13, 2021, the Crown Point-Aconcagua  tory authorities in Argentina to export approx-  mercial, and no acreage was surrendered pursu-
       joint venture took over operatorship of the CH  imately 19,000 barrels of oil being part of its  ant to the extension. The Licence amendment
       Concession. By the end of 2021, workovers on 18  Argentine production this month at or around  agreement is now required to be approved by
       shut-in oil wells were carried out and the wells  international prices;  the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry
       placed back on production. In addition, eight of   Long-awaited signals have been communi-  of Legal Affairs prior to execution by all parties.
       the shut-in wells underwent stimulations and  cated to the market from the Argentine national   Paul Baay, President and CEO, commented:
       extractive system enhancements resulting in  oil production company YPF as well as from the  “The formal approval of Ortoire licence exten-
       production increases. Average oil production for  Government that after many months domestic  sion provides us with a unique opportunity to
       the 293-day period from March 13 to Decem-  oil prices in Argentina will start to increase from  design and implement an expanded exploration
       ber 31, 2021 was 1,000 (net 500) barrels per day  April with already an announcement on Mon-  programme to fully evaluate our internally iden-
       (bpd) of oil.                       day that prices at the pump will increase by 10%.  tified prospects on the acreage. The extension
         Cerro de Los Leones (CLL) Exploration Per-  President expects more of a gradual increase  also allows us the ability to have a multi-faceted
       mit: During January 2022, the company drilled  reducing the material gap to world pricing. As  future drilling programme, including develop-
       CPE.MdN.VS.xp-3(d), which is currently await-  such the progressive step by step signs are wel-  ment drilling at Cascadura, Royston and Coho
       ing completion scheduled for March 2022. The  comed and will have a positive effect.  as well as further exploration prospects on the
       Company has made an application to the Prov-  President looks forward to the furture bene-  licence. Touchstone has proven that Ortoire
       ince for a 12-month extension of the Period  ficial impact of these developments.  is a resource-rich property, and we are excited
       3 term to February 2023 to finish completion   Peter Levine, Chairman, commented: “In  to explore further prospects to potentially feed
       operations and evaluate test results.  Argentina, positive steps to raise in effect the net  into our current infrastructure currently in con-
         Outlook: The Company’s capital spending on  proceeds of our crude is welcome as is further  struction. We would like to thank the MEEI for
       property and equipment assets in 2022 is budg-  export of our product. It is also satisfying to have  its continued support, and we welcome a further
       eted at $7.4mn comprised of $5.0mn in TDF  Louisiana returning to make good bottom line  opportunity to partner and grow onshore Trini-
       ($1.8mn to drill one horizontal well in the Las  contributions to Group.”  dad oil and natural gas production.”
       Violetas Concession; $1.6mn to drill one vertical   President Energy, March 15 2022  Touchstone Exploration, March 11 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   17•March•2022
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