Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 11 2022
P. 4

      LatAmOil                                      COMMENTAR                                             LatAmOil

                                                                                                      (Image: Petrobras)

       Brazil’s response to

       Russia-Ukraine conflict

       South America’s largest economy is under pressure, both as an oil producer and as a fuel consumer

                         RUSSIA’S invasion of Ukraine on February 24   differences are all the more apparent because
                         has delivered a jolt to the global economy at large   2022 is an election year.
       WHAT:             and to world oil markets more specifically.  This essay seeks to provide a brief overview of
       Brazil has promised the   In the immediate aftermath of the outbreak   the pressures now at play in Brazil.
       US to make more crude   of war, crude prices began soaring in response to
       oil available on the world   concerns that Western sanctions would severely   More oil, please
       market.           restrict the volumes that Russia, one of the   With respect to production, Brazil’s government
                         world’s largest oil producers, was able to export.   said earlier this week that it had been asked
       WHY:              More recently, though, prices have lost momen-  directly by the US to make more oil available for
       Meanwhile, rising   tum because of concerns that the conflict might   sale to make up for the Russian barrels that are
       domestic fuel prices are   cause the global economy to contract, thereby   being kept off the global market because of sanc-
       contributing to political
       tensions.         undercutting demand and slowing the recovery   tions. (Both the US and the EU have announced
                         from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  plans to restrict Russian crude imports.)
       WHAT NEXT:          Brazil, as South America’s largest economy   In a note sent to the AFP news agency on
       If crude remains bullish,   and largest energy producer and consumer, has   March 14, Brazil’s Minister of Mines and Energy
       there is likely to be po-  not been able to avoid this turmoil. As a major   Bento Albuquerque confirmed that he had spo-
       litical turnover in Brazil   producer, it has come under a certain amount of   ken to US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Gran-
       this year.        pressure to help ease the supply concerns raised   holm about this matter.
                         by Western sanctions on Russia.        He also indicated that increasing crude sales
                           But as a consumer, it is being pushed in   was in line with Brazil’s own long-term eco-
                         several different directions at once – and the   nomic strategy.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   17•March•2022
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