Page 5 - LatAmOil Week 11 2022
P. 5

LatAmOil                                     COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                         “She asked me if Brazil could be part of this effort   The incumbent president is not inclined to
                         [to produce more oil], and I told her: ‘Of course   see fuel prices rise, as he is concerned that pop-
                         it can.’ We are already increasing production,   ular discontent might cause him to lag even
                         while most OECD [Organisation for Economic   further behind his expected opponent, former
                         Co-operation and Development] countries have   President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, in opinion
                         reduced it. We have increased our production in   polls. As such, he has been vocal in his criticism
                         the last three years,” Albuquerque wrote.  of Petrobras lately. Last week, for example, he
                           The minister did not say exactly how Brazil,   complained that the NOC was too profitable
                         which extracted slightly more than 3mn barrels   and urged it to make sacrifices in order to keep
                         per day (bpd) of crude in January of this year,   fuel prices down. He also indicated that his gov-
                         intended to increase production or exports. Nor   ernment was ready to examine the possibility
                         did he say how quickly his country might be able   of fuel subsidies, although Economy Minister
                         to bring the extra barrels to the world market.  Paulo Guedes has said that such a policy would
                           It is worth noting, though, that Brazil is not   be too costly.
                         the only South American state that may end up   In airing these complaints, Bolsonaro has
                         working with the US on this front. Colombia’s   found himself at odds with Petrobras’ CEO
                         President Ivan Duque has offered to make more   Joaquim Silva e Luna. The president appointed
                         oil from his country available, and US compa-  Luna to the post last year to replace Roberto
                         nies have reportedly been trying to purchase   Castello Branco and appears to have hoped that   Bolsonaro is
                         more heavy crude from Ecuador. In the mean-  his own appointee, a military veteran, would be
                         time, the US government is even considering   more compliant than the business-minded Cas-  not inclined to
                         lifting the sanctions it imposed on the Venezue-  tello Branco. However, Luna has been unwilling   see fuel prices
                         lan oil industry in early 2019.      to freeze prices to accommodate the president
                                                              and has defended Petrobras’ independence from   rise, as he
                         Lower prices, please                 the government – even in the face of hints from
                         With respect to consumption, Brazil is facing a   Bolsonaro that he might be fired.  is concerned
                         very different set of pressures.
                           One of the factors in play is Petrobras, the   In flux                    that popular
                         national oil company (NOC). The state-owned   The situation is still very much in flux with   discontent
                         company raised its refinery-gate prices for gas-  respect to consumption. Luna and the president
                         oline by 18.8% and for diesel fuel by 24.9% last   are still at odds over domestic fuel prices, and   might affect
                         week in response to the upward trend on world   there are months left before Brazil’s presidential
                         crude oil markets. In purely fiscal terms, this   election.                his chances of
                         seems like a reasonable step to take, as it would   In other words, there are months left for Bol-
                         keep the company in line with global market   sonaro to fret over domestic fuel prices – and for   re-election
                         trends and preserve its status as Brazil’s largest   world oil markets to take any number of spec-
                         corporate taxpayer.                  tacular twists and turns as the Russia-Ukraine
                           But the socioeconomic impact of such a   conflict unfolds (and as the Western response to
                         move is a different matter. Fuel price hikes tend   the conflict evolves).
                         to hit the poor hard, and as such they arouse   As such, there may very well be more turmoil
                         resentment in Brazil, where poverty rates have   to come with respect to Petrobras’ executive
                         been on the rise since 2014. Additionally, they   slate, fuel subsidies and related issues.
                         represent a burden for a group that plays a cru-  In the meantime, Brazil’s economy will also
                         cial role in the Brazilian economy – truck driv-  bear watching. The South American country
                         ers, who are also politically powerful and have   suffered greatly as a result of the pandemic and
                         served as a crucial base of support for Jair Bol-  has been hit hard over the last year by a drought
                         sonaro, Brazil’s right-of-centre president.  that forced it to import more natural gas to make
                           And Bolsonaro, as it happens, is seeking   up for the loss of hydropower generation capac-
                         re-election this year. According to press reports,   ity. If world crude oil prices remain high and
                         he is preparing to kick off his formal campaign   push domestic fuel prices higher, there is likely
                         later this month, in advance of the vote, which   to be more pain, and the pain could trigger fur-
                         will take place in early October.    ther political changes. ™

                                       Luna (L) and Bolsonaro (R), shown in March 2021 (Image: Office of the Brazilian Presidency)

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