Page 20 - MEOG Week 49
P. 20

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

                                                                                gas production capacity from SP22-24 would
                                                                                soon increase from the current 42 mcm/d to
                                                                                56 mcm/d.
                                                                                  Throughout this development project,
                                                                                Iranian engineers handled the entire
                                                                                design of offshore and onshore refineries,
                                                                                installation of platforms and pipelines. It
                                                                                may be concluded that about 63% of the
                                                                                entire SP22-24 development project has been
                                                                                fully implemented by Iranian engineers and
                                                                                  Until 2013, maximum recovery from South
       installation of the fifth downhole pump in the   struggling to agree whether to walk back from   Pars stood at 280 mcm/d with 17 phases
       field, and said considering that five more such   the biggest-ever output cuts made earlier   in semi-finished state. Now, the South Pars
       pumps will be installed in the field by the end   this year. A virtual meeting of OPEC oil   output is 2.5 times higher.
       of the current calendar year (March 20, 2020),   ministers on Monday failed to reach an accord   Over the past eight years, 17 phases
       the upward trend of oil production in North   on whether to maintain the current level of   (12 refineries) have become operational.
       Yaran will continue.                production cuts, or proceed as planned with a   Another key point is that of 37 active offshore
         Speaking to Shana, Mohammad Ali Ajdari   second easing of the restrictions.  platforms in South Pars, 26 have been
       added: “So far, ESP downhole pumps have   A bigger meeting, including their nine   installed over the past eight years, covering
       been installed in wells No. 4, 5, 9 and 22 and   non-OPEC allies, that was scheduled to   70% of offshore platform development and
       suction rod pumps (SRP) have been installed   take place on Tuesday was postponed until   installation. Moreover, 228 wells out of a
       in Well 14 of North Yaran Fields and two   Thursday to give negotiators more time to find  total 336 wells sunk in South Pars have been
       drilling rigs are now located in the area and   a way forward. Those private discussions may   completed in the past eight years. Regarding
       are working on wells 10 and 16 of the field.”  be making progress, according to one of the   pipelines, of a total 3,200 km of offshore
         He said: “In addition to the five pumps   delegates.                   pipeline, 2,160 km has been installed in recent
       installed, according to the plan, five other   BLOOMBERG                 years while 30 of 50 trains of refineries have
       downhole pumps are to be installed and                                   started operation over recent years.
       commissioned in this field by early March. By                              Over recent years, increased international
       increasing the number of pumps installed to   GAS                        sanctions provided a chance for Iranian
       10, the daily production capacity of the field                           companies to work further in the interest
       will reach 25,000 barrels.”         South Pars in final                  of Iran’s petroleum industry. Trust in these
         According to the report, the North Yaran                               companies was symbolized in the awarding of
       oil field development project was launched   development stage           EPC contracts in south Pars to domestic firms
       back in 2016 with a daily production capacity                            within the framework of various consortia
       of 30,000 barrels of crude oil.     CEO of Pars Oil and Gas Co. (POGC)   including Iran Marine Industrial Company
       SHANA                               Mohammad Meshkinfam has said         (SADRA), Iranian Offshore Engineering
                                           development phases of the giant offshore   and Construction Company (IOEC), Iran
       US imports of Saudi crude           South Pars gas field, except for Phase 11,   Shipbuilding and Offshore Industries
                                           would have been completed by March 2022.
                                                                                Complex Company (ISCOICO) and Iranian
       fall to 30-year low                 Iran is currently recovering 700 mcm/d of gas   Industrial Development and Renovation
                                           from South Pars, outdoing Qatar with which it  Organization (IDRO).
       American refiners received the least oil from   shares the giant reservoir.  It may be interesting to note that Iran is
       Saudi Arabia since 1985 as a slump in volumes   Recently, with the commissioning of   now able to build offshore pipes, wellhead
       shipped out by the desert kingdom in October   platforms in SP22-24, gas recovery has   platforms and even oil and gas processing
       are finally reaching U.S. shores.   enhanced 200 mcf/d. The agreement for SP22-  platforms and refining facilities.
         In October, Saudi Arabia sent just under   24 was initially signed in June 2010, but faced   When development work started in the
       100,000 barrels a day of oil to U.S. refineries   delays for various reasons. However, under the  1990s in South Pars, Iranian companies used
       as shipments to China surged at that time.   administration of President Hassan Rouhani,   to build platforms and jackets for Samsung,
       Tankers from Saudi Arabia take about six   the Petroleum Ministry pushed ahead with   Total, Eni and other foreign companies for
       weeks to reach either the Gulf or Pacific   the project, leading to its inauguration last   SP1 to SP9. But now the same companies are
       coasts of the U.S. Hence, the delivery of just   winter.                 leading the projects and handle all offshore
       73,000 barrels a day to U.S. customers last   The offshore section of SP22-24 is set to   and onshore activities although they may be
       week, as preliminary U.S. Energy Information   become operational this year. Four platforms   slow.
       Administration data show.           (two main and two satellite) would be   No foreign engineer is now present in
         The volume is the lowest in weekly data   installed. The first stage involving the main   the South Pars. All activities, no matter how
       available through June 2010, but using   platform of SP22 and the satellite platform   difficult they may be, are handled by Iranian
       monthly figures it would be the least since   24A, each with a capacity of 14.2 mcm/d,   engineers. Even in some cases, Iranian
       1985 when Saudi imports fell to zero for   came online in 2018. The second stage,   engineers set records in the South Pars
       several months.                     involving the main platform of SP23 and the   projects.
         The drop in Saudi crude imports comes   satellite platform 24B, would come online   Under the Rouhani administrations,
       against the backdrop of OPEC and its partners  this year with the same capacity. Therefore,   development of South Pars phases has picked

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   09•December•2020
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