Page 21 - MEOG Week 49
P. 21

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       up speed. One year into the mandate of the   “According to the deal made with Iran,   Ministry of Electricity revealed that Iraq had
       11th administration, SP12 came online in   they were supposed to send us 40 million   signed a deal with the Arab Gulf Cooperation
       March 2015. Then, SP15 and SP16 became   cubic metre (mcm) of gas per day to Iraq,   Council Interconnection Authority (GCCIA)
       operational in January 2016. SP17 & 18,   but they have reduced it to only 10 mcm,   for electricity imports in a Thursday report
       SP19, SP20 and SP21 came online in April   which has reduced our electricity production   published by state-owned newspaper al-
       2017 to help Iran outperform Qatar in gas   by 4,000 megawatts,” spokesperson Ahmad   Sabaah.
       recovery. Then, in March 2019, the refineries   Moussa told Rudaw on Wednesday.  Iraq has met 80% of its obligations required
       of SP13 and SP22-24 came online. In 2019,   Iran supposedly cannot supply the full   in a deal to begin importing 500 megawatts of
       six platforms were installed and four became   amount, because it needs more of the product   electricity from Gulf states, Moussa told state
       operational in SP14 and SP22-24.    domestically.                        media back in July.
         A number of remaining refineries in   “They said the weather has gotten cold   RUDAW
       SP13 and SP22-24 are to be completed in the   in Iran, and we need more gas ourselves,”
       current calendar year.              Moussa said of his conversations with
         Despite all problems and restrictions   authorities in Iran.           SERVICES
       including foreign constructors not honouring   “This reduction has mainly affected
       their pledges, owing to Iranian engineers;   the capital city of Baghdad and the central   Aramco and Baker Hughes
       turbo expanders would start work in the   provinces of Iraq, less so the southern
       refinery of SP13, SP19 and SP22-24.  provinces,” he added.               JV to develop non-metallic
         Activating the contractor for the onshore   Moussa added that the Ministry of
       sector of SP14 is another measure taken in the   Electricity has contacted the Ministry of Oil   products
       South Pars development. Except for SP11, all   requesting help with the crisis “temporarily”.
       phases have become operational and only the   Iraq had signed a two-year contract with   Oil giant Saudi Aramco and energy services
       SP14 refinery remains to become operational.   Iran renewing commitments to import   company Baker Hughes have formed a 50/50
       Based on planning, the first train of SP14   Iranian gas for electricity, the Islamic Republic   joint venture, Novel, to develop a broad
       refinery would be launched by the end of the   News Agency (IRNA) reported back in June.   range of non-metallic products for multiple
       current calendar year. The gas produced at   Before this reduction, Iran exported 1,200-  applications in the energy sector.
       SP14 is currently taken to the refinery of SP12   1,500 megawatts of electricity to Iraq on a   Novel’s new plant is being constructed
       and SP19 for processing.            daily basis, in addition to 38-40 million cubic   at Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Energy Park
         Completion of eight gas condensate storage  metre of natural gas to feed several of Iraq’s   (SPARK), a 50 sq km energy city aimed
       tanks, each with capacity of 500,000 b/d, is   power stations, according to Sayyid Hamid   at making the kingdom a global energy,
       another achievement of Iranian contractors   Hosseini, secretary general of Iran-Iraq Joint   industrial and technology hub.
       in South Pars. These tanks would supply   Chamber of Commerce.             The new facility will not only create jobs, it
       feedstock to the Persian Gulf Star refinery that   Iraq has long suffered from chronic outages  will also help to foster growth of an emerging
       runs on gas condensate.             and shortages of electricity in a country   sector in line with Saudi Arabia’s Vision
         According to Meshkinfam, the second   where summer temperatures reach 50 degrees   2030 to diversify the economy away from oil,
       stage of South Pars development would   Celsius. Rampant electricity shortages have in   the companies said in a statement without
       involve “maintaining and preserving   past years been a rallying call for protestors,   disclosing the size of their investment.
       production” because this field accounts for a   most notably in the summer of 2018.   REUTERS
       big share of energy supply in the country.  In January, a spokesperson for Iraq’s
         South Pars supplies more than 75% of
       Iran’s gas needs, as well as 40% of gasoline
       production needs. That is why POGC plans to
       keep the 75% share unchanged by developing
       other fields and boosting pressure in the
       South Pars wells over 25 years.
         Meshkinfam said POGC would proceed
       with its operations, hiring Iranian labor. “We
       have made plans to avert any disruption in gas
       production in the event of persistent sanctions
       and by relying on homegrown knowledge
       and capacity, we will pursue development and
       Central Iraq struggles with

       electricity as Iran cuts gas

       The electricity supply in Iraq’s central
       provinces has decreased after Iranian gas
       imports dried up with the arrival of winter,
       according to the spokesperson of Iraq’s
       Ministry of Electricity.

       Week 49   09•December•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P21
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