Page 14 - DMEA Week 15 2021
P. 14

DMEA                                            PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       NNPC using rail lines to transport

       sections of pipe for AKK project

        AFRICA           NIGERIAN National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC)   The NOC also described the opening of the
                         has begun using rail lines to deliver sections of  new rail route as a “major boost” to the AKK
                         pipe to construction sites to facilitate work on  pipeline project. The link will eventually serve as
                         the Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) natural gas  the first section of the Trans-Nigeria Gas Pipeline
                         pipeline.                            (TNGP), but initially it will pump gas from fields
                           Mele Kyari, the group managing director of  in the southern part of the country to domestic
                         the national oil company (NOC), reported last  customers, including thermal power plants
                         week that the company had completed its first  (TPPs) and petrochemical producers.
                         shipment of pipe from Warri to Itakpe on April 8.   NNPC and its contractors are building the
                         In a Twitter post, he congratulated NNPC for its  AKK pipeline along a 614-km route that runs
                         inauguration of the new route, saying that the use  northward from the left bank of the Niger River
                         of rail lines was not only cheaper and safer than  in Kogi state to the capital city of Kano state.
                         road transport but would also save wear and tear  When finished, the pipe will be able to carry
                         on Nigeria’s road network. “The infrastructure  99.11mn cubic metres) per day of gas, or approx-
                         revolution is paying up,” he wrote.  imately 36.175bn cubic metres per year. Initially,
                           NNPC indicated in a separate Twitter post  throughput will amount to around 56.64 mcm
                         that it had used 16 rail cars owned by Nigerian  per day, or around 20.67 bcm per year.
                         Railway Corp. (NRC), another state-owned   The cost of construction is expected to reach
                         company, to carry out the delivery. It noted that  $2.8bn. NNPC has arranged to finance 85% of
                         the shipment consisted of 96 sections of pipe and  this sum with a loan facility from China Export
                         said it would have had to use 32 trucks to trans-  & Credit Insurance Corp. (Sinosure) that is due
                         port that many pipes by road.        to be repaid over a period of 12 years.™

                                             TERMINALS & SHIPPING

       Morocco’s SOMAGEC to build storage

       terminal at Damerjog complex

        AFRICA           SOMAGEC, a Moroccan port and maritime  refined petroleum products and petrochemical
                         infrastructure company, will support efforts to  feedstocks. SOMAGEC is slated to build the first
                         establish an oil-refining and petrochemical com-  of these five depots.
                         plex at the Damerjog Industrial Park (DDIP) in   As of press time, neither the Moroccan com-
                         Djibouti by building a new storage terminal.  pany not DPFZA had divulged the value of the
                           According to press reports, the Moroccan  contract. The parties have said, though, that the
                         company recently signed an agreement on the  storage terminals will handle deliveries of feed-
                         construction of the facility with the Djibouti  stock bound for the refinery and the petrochem-
                         Ports and Free Zones Authority (DPFZA). The  ical plant and also store refined fuels for regional
                         two sides finalised the deal on April 5, at a sign-  traders.
                         ing ceremony attended by DPFZA President   SOMAGEC is also involved in the con-
                         Aboubaker Omar Hadi and SOMAGEC’s CEO  struction of an oil jetty for DDIP’s liquid bulk
                         Roger Sahyoun.                       port facilities. It began building the 3-km jetty,
                           Omar Hadi hailed the new agreement, say-  which will be able to accommodate vessels
                         ing: “We are delighted to take this important step  ranging from 5,000 DWT to 100,000 DWT, last
                         in the development of the DDIP petrochemical  September.
                         complex, [which] will advance the industriali-  DDIP will eventually be home to an LNG
                         zation of Djibouti and East Africa.” The project  terminal, a thermal power plant (TPP), a ship-
                         “will position Djibouti as a petrochemical hub  yard and other industrial units, as well as oil-re-
                         for the region,” he added.           fining and petrochemical facilities. DPFZA has
                           DPFZA has said that the Damerjog complex  noted that the complex will be the only facility
                         will eventually have five storage terminals capa-  of its type in East Africa that has connections to
                         ble of holding 750,000 cubic metres of crude oil,  marine, road, rail and air transport routes.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 15   15•April•2021
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