Page 1 - DMEA Week 10 2023
P. 1

Issue 580               09•March•2023                      Week 10

                    ™      wazulu-Natal in Sapref talks

                            KwaZulu Natal mediates to urge the restart of Sapref while other units in
                            South Africa are slowly returning to action.

                    ™      Investors take charge of biofuel project

                            Nigeria’s Kebbi state has handed over control of a recently completed
                            ethanol-based biofuel refinery to a group of companies.

                    ™      Oman and Iran sign MoU

                            Iran and Oman’s energy ministers met in Tehran this weekend and
                            announced the signing of an MoU for joint development.

                    ™      Explosion near illgal refinery site

                            Twelve people were killed in an explosion near an illegal oil refinery in
                            Nigeria’s Niger Delta last week
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