Page 9 - DMEA Week 10 2023
P. 9

DMEA                                          COMPANIES                                               DMEA

       Tanzania completes talks

       on $30bn LNG project

        TANZANIA         TANZANIA has concluded negotiations on a   Equinor and Shell, along with their non-oper-
                         $30bn LNG project with Equinor (Norway) and  ating partners ExxonMobil (US), Ophir Energy
                         Shell (UK), creating an opportunity for launch-  (UK) and Pavilion Energy (Singapore), plan
                         ing the development of the country’s vast off-  to build the LNG plant in Tanzania’s southeast
                         shore natural gas resources after years of delay.  Lindi region.
                           The successful completion of talks was   The facility will eventually have two gas lique-
                         announced by Tanzania’s Ministry of Energy in  faction trains with a production capacity of 5mn
                         a Twitter post on March 6, Reuters reported.   tonnes per year (tpy) each.
                           In the post, Energy Minister January   The Energy Ministry did not say exactly when
                         Makamba noted that the parties had wrapped  it expected work on the LNG plant to begin. Tan-
                         up negotiations on the construction of an LNG  zania Petroleum Development Corp. (TPDC),
                         plant and that experts were now working to draft   the national oil company (NOC), had said last
                         the contracts needed to support the project.  year that it hoped to see construction start in
                           These contracts include a host government  2023 and finish in 2028.
                         agreement (HGA), as well as a combined con-  Tanzania is already a gas producer and has
                         tract for the development of the offshore sites  put some of the volumes produced from offshore
                         known as Blocks 1, 2 and 4, which will supply  fields such as Songo Songo to use to run thermal
                         natural gas for the onshore LNG plant, the min-  power plants (TPPs) and manufacturing facili-
                         istry explained.                     ties. It also aims to build a fertiliser plant that will
                           According to previous reports, Shell holds the  use domestically extracted gas as feedstock.
                         licence for Block 1 and Block 4, which are esti-  As of June 2022, the government estimated
                         mated to hold 16 trillion cubic feet (453bn cubic  the country’s total recoverable gas reserves at
                         metres) of gas in recoverable reserves. Equinor  57.54 tcf (1.63 trillion cubic metres). Accord-
                         operates Block 2, in which ExxonMobil holds a  ingly, the development of the blocks that will feed
                         stake and is estimated to hold more than 20 tril-  the Tanzania LNG project will raise the reserve
                         lion cubic feet (566.4 bcm) of gas.  figure.™

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