Page 13 - DMEA Week 10 2023
P. 13

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              Trade Limited-of transferring millions of   downstream subsidiary of state-owned Kuwait
                                           dollars related to petrochemical sales to   Petroleum Corporation.
       US sanctions shadow                 China. Petrochemicals are Iran’s biggest non-  enhance the country’s refining capacity by
                                                                                  When operational, Duqm refinery will
                                           oil export earner.
       banking network                     announced that it was also applying sanctions   refining 230,000 barrels of crude oil products
                                             Separately, the US Treasury on March 9
                                                                                per day, which will serve demand growth
       The US on March 9 announced the imposition  to a China-based network it claimed was   in the region and globally, as well as add
       of sanctions on 39 entities, including many   supporting Iran’s efforts to procure unmanned   to the SEZ’s investment appeal. Kuwait has
       based in the UAE and Hong Kong, that   aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones.  committed to supply about 65% of the crude
       Washington alleges helps provide Iran with   The network “is responsible for the sale   the Duqm Refinery will process, Al Sabah
       access to the global financial system.  and shipment of thousands of aerospace   said.
         The entities, said the US Treasury   components, including components that   As of end-November 2022, the total
       Department, amounted to a “shadow   can be used for UAV applications,”  the   completion rate of the project is 96 per cent
       banking”  network that moves billions of   department.                   and its trial operation is expected to happen
       dollars.                              Iran is known to have provided combat   soon. The Duqm Refinery project is one of
         Among those designated were two Turkey-  drones to Russia, which Moscow has used in   the major projects being implemented in the
       based entities as well as Iran-based Mehr   its war on Ukraine.          Special Economic Zone at Duqm (SEZAD).
       Petrochemical Co.                   BNE                                  It serves as the starting line for the plan to
         Those targeted with the sanctions had                                  transform Duqm into one of the largest
       enabled companies previously hit with                                    industrial and economic centres in the region.
       Iran-related sanctions-such as Triliance   REFINING                        The Duqm Refinery includes 10 main
       Petrochemical and Persian Gulf Petrochemical                             processing units capable of producing diesel,
       Industry Commercial Co. (PGPICC)-to access   Duqm Refinery to operate at   aviation fuel, naphtha, liquefied petroleum
       the international financial system and assisted                          gas, sulfur and petroleum coke which will help
       the firms in hiding their trade with foreign   full capacity by end-2023  provide high-quality oil products to customers
       customers, the US Treasury added.                                        all over the world.
         “Iran cultivates complex sanctions evasion   The Duqm Refinery project, the largest project   ZAWYA
       networks where foreign buyers, exchange   in the field of refineries and petrochemicals, is
       houses, and dozens of front companies   expected to come into full production by the   NSCDC uncovers illegal
       cooperatively help sanctioned Iranian   end of 2023, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation’s
       companies to continue to trade,”  said US   deputy chairman and CEO, Nawaf al Sabah   refinery near Port Harcourt
       Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo.  said at a press conference on the sidelines of
         The sanctions freeze any US assets of those   CERAWeek energy conference in Houston,   The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps
       designated and generally prevent Americans   Texas.                      (NSCDC) has uncovered an expansive illegal
       from dealing with them at the risk of   The refinery project, occupying 900   refining site at Otamiri-Etche, near Port
       secondary sanctions.                hectares, is located at the heart of the Special   Harcourt.
         The Treasury accused designated   Economic Zone of Duqm (SEZD) and is a   NSCDC Commandant in Rivers, Michael
       companies based in Hong Kong-including   50-50 joint venture between state-owned   Ogar took newsmen to the illegal refinery
       Foraben Trading Limited, Hongkong Well   Oman’s OQ Group and Kuwait Petroleum   where the oil thieves refined stolen crude into
       International Trading Limited and Salita   International (KPI). KPI is the international   various petroleum products for sale to the

       Week 10   09•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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