Page 15 - DMEA Week 10 2023
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       world. It is also the first major commercial   European and international standards, noting   generating exports, he added.
       deployment of Aramco’s thermal crude to   that Kuwait will always remain a safe supplier   However, as with many Iranian projects, its
       chemicals technology, that was developed in   to global energy markets. The Director of the   launch has been hampered by sanctions, with
       collaboration with Lummus Technology.  KPC European Regional Office in London,   Pars Oil & Gas Co. (POGC) saying in 2019
       ARAMCO                              Nagham Al-Omar, had made all arrangements  that it would soon be initiated, noting that the
                                           for delegations and a reception for Kuwait’s   14B platform was ready to be connected.
       KPC sees fierce competition         international customers during the annual   that this Persian calendar year (ends March
                                                                                  Iran’s Oil Minister Javad Oji reportedly said
       for Kuwait oil contracts            ARAB TIMES                           20), the country has produced the highest
                                                                                amount of condensates ever and claimed that
       The Kuwait Petroleum Corporation is at the   Iran inaugurates South Pars   the FX earnings in the Iranian oil industry
       center of fierce competition from international                          were higher than the country’s hard currency
       companies which are competing to obtain oil   phase 14 refinery          needs.
       agreements to ensure access to oil derivatives                             Raisi is scheduled to open further projects
       from the Al-Zour refinery, which is expected   Iran on March 2 inaugurated Phase 14 of the   along the Persian Gulf coast, including water
       to enter service in its three phases by May or   giant South Pars gas field during a ceremony   desalination plants, water transfer systems and
       June of this year, reports Al-Rai daily.  attended by President Ebrahim Raisi.  housing projects.
         High-level oil sources told the daily that   The homegrown project in the Persian Gulf   Iran has around 34tn cubic metres
       Kuwait is on the road to restoring its natural   is to produce a daily output of 50mn cubic   of proved natural gas reserves, with the
       position in the global markets in a greater   metres (mcm) of sweet gas, 400 tonnes of   supergiant South Pars accounting for
       way and with a strategic weight, as part of the   sulphur and 75,000 barrels of gas condensates.   around 14tcm as well as 18bn barrels of gas
       tremendous efforts undertaken by the global   The phase is also expected to produce 1mn   condensates.
       marketing sector, the KPC, pointing out that   tonnes of ethane as petrochemical feedstock   The Islamic republic holds a 3,700 square
       KPC revealed during the annual reception of   and 1mn tonnes of liquefied petroleum   km portion of the 9,700 square km deposit
       its customers in a ‘IE WEEK’  in the British   gas (LPG) per annum. Officials anticipate   that is shared with Qatar, where it is known as
       capital, London, during which it announced   yearly earnings from Phase 14 will reach   the North Dome field.
       its preparation to distribute the output   around $3.5bn. Around $3bn was invested in   NEWSBASE
       shares of Al-Zour refinery, amounting to 615   establishing the phase’s refinery, according to
       thousand barrels of oil per day, other than   officials.
       intermediate products, after completing the   Raisi talked of Phase 14 of South Pars-
       internal needs.                     the world’s largest natural gas field-as an
         The sources pointed out that the global   embodiment of Iran’s self-sufficiency in the
       market is interested in the products of Al-  face of sanctions, according to local reports.
       Zour Refinery, especially as it conforms to   It would play an important role in FX-

       Week 10   09•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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