Page 14 - DMEA Week 10 2023
P. 14
unsuspecting public. products is reduced drastically to boost the He said military operations conducted
He said the illegal refinery was economy. in the past two weeks in various theatres of
sophisticatedly and covertly constructed in So, Heirs Company will extract the stolen operations recorded significant results with
a manner that no one could ever suspect the crude oil back to their facility while our the rescue of 56, kidnapped persons from
presence of such an illicit facility in Etche operatives will continue to chase the criminals their abductors and the destruction of several
town. until they are brought to book,” he said. terrorist enclaves across the country.
“The well fabricated illegal refinery with a Ogar warned operators of illegal refineries The DMO director said that within the
wide range of pipes spread across an expansive and pipeline vandals to either relocate from period under review, troops recovered several
land mass. the state or be arrested and prosecuted. arms, ammunition and other dangerous
I must confess that this is my first time VANGUARD weapons from the criminals.
of witnessing such a well fabricated illegal SUN NEWS
refinery which shows that bunkers have Troops destroy 74 illegal
adopted a new strategy.
If not for the eagle eye of the command refineries, make arrests PETROCHEMICALS
and our sustained intelligence gathering from
our informants, it would have been difficult to The Defence Media Operations (DMO) has Officials attend Shaheen
detect this bunkering site,” he said. said troops on internal security operations
Ogar said in spite of the destruction of in the Niger delta region have destroyed 74 groundbreaking
many of such refineries and arrests made illegal refining sites and arrested 71, oil thieves
by the NSCDC and other security outfits, in the last two weeks. South Korean President Yoon and Aramco
criminals still continued with the illicit The soldiers also recovered 209,000 litres President & CEO Amin H. Nasser today
business. of crude oil, 145,000 litres of Automotive Gas attended the groundbreaking ceremony for
“The operators of the illegal bunkering Oil, 4,500 litres of Premium Motor Spirit, 27 the $7 billion Shaheen petrochemical project
site tapped into a pipeline belonging to Heirs variety of weapons, 468 assorted ammunition, in Ulsan, South Korea.
Holding Oil and Gas through its pipeline bulk 2 speed boats, 2 outboard engine, 8 vehicles Ministers and senior officials from both
delivery. and 4 motorcycles discovered and destroyed countries also attended the milestone event.
They (oil thieves) syphoned crude oil from 341 storage tanks, 31 wooden boats, 260 ovens The Shaheen project, which was announced
the Heirs Holding pipeline through carefully and 15 dugout pits. in November 2022, is being developed by
constructed pipes into their illegal refinery. The Director, Defence Media Operations, Aramco affiliate S-OIL and is a key part of
We have commenced intense investigation Major General Musa Danmadami, who Aramco’s regional crude to chemicals strategy.
into this matter, considering that someone made this known, said soldiers on counter- Amin H. Nasser, Aramco President &
must have given out this expansive land to the insurgency operations and other internal CEO, said: “We are deeply honored by the
owners of the site,” he added. security operations across the country, killed presence of His Excellency President Yoon
He said that the corps personnel were on 17, terrorists and arrested 165, terrorists, at this historic groundbreaking ceremony.
the trail of the owner of the land, to unravel bandits, cultists among other criminals Shaheen is among Aramco’s biggest
the identities of the operators of the refinery. terrorizing the peace in the country. international downstream investments,
The NSCDC commandant said the corps Gen. Danmadami, at a media briefing representing a significant and sizeable step
had been given a clear mandate to safeguard on military operations conducted between forward in our liquids-to-chemicals expansion
critical national assets and infrastructure February 23-March, 9, said 1,332 terrorist and and another major milestone in further
across the country. their family members comprising 222 males, strengthening our presence in Korea.”
“So, we will not be deterred by the activities 411, females and 699 children surrendered to Shaheen is Aramco’s biggest investment
of criminals. We will go after them and troops at different locations within the theatre in Korea to date and is expected to be one of
ensure that their illegal dealing in petroleum of Operations. the largest integrated steam crackers in the
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 10 09•March•2023