Page 15 - GLNG Week 37 2021
P. 15

GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

                                                                                OMV Petrom successfully

                                                                                completed the first delivery

                                                                                of liquefied natural gas
                                                                                (LNG) in Romania

                                                                                OMV Petrom, the largest energy company in
                                                                                South-Eastern Europe, made the first LNG
                                                                                delivery to Damen Shipyards Mangalia, the
                                                                                largest shipyard in South-Eastern Europe. The
                                                                                product was used to fuel a ship equipped with
                                                                                LNG engines. It is the first ship of this type,
                                                                                built in Romania, in the Damen Shipyard, in
                                                                                  Radu Caprau, member of the OMV
                                                                                Petrom Executive Board, responsible for
                                                                                Downstream Oil: “The transport sector,
                                                                                which plays an essential role in the mobility of
                                                                                goods and people, is also one of the sectors in
                                                                                which efficient and comprehensive emissions
       deliveries will take place in the autumn of 2022.  Poland not to extend gas   reduction measures are needed. OMV Petrom
         The Compact Reliq was introduced to the                                is and will continue to be part of the solution,
       market in 2020. It features a compact design   supply deal with Gazprom  with a mixed products portfolio that meets the
       for easy installation and maintenance on all                             mobility needs of our country. The first LNG
       sizes of carrier vessels, both large and small.   Poland will “obviously” not prolong its gas   delivery in Romania is another step we are
       Based on the well-proven reversed nitrogen   supply deal with Russia’s Gazprom when it   taking in expanding the offer of low-emission
       Brayton cycle refrigeration technology, the   expires in 2022, a government official said on   transport products”.
       solution reliquefies the boil-off gas (BOG)   September 13.                Franck Neel, member of the OMV Petrom
       and keeps the cargo cool under all operating   Poland is confident that the key investment   Executive Board, responsible for Downstream
       conditions. It allows a portion of the BOG   in the plan to wean the country off Russian   Gas: “In the context of the energy transition,
       to be used as fuel for the ship’s engines, with   gas, the Baltic Pipe, will start pumping gas as   the use of LNG in transportation and industry
       the excess able to be sold as part of the LNG   scheduled in October 2022, the government’s   can lead to a significant reduction in carbon
       cargo.                              proxy for strategic energy infrastructure, Piotr   emissions and pollutants. Romania has a
         “We have had good experience with   Naimski, told the state newswire PAP.  significant potential for natural gas, and
       Wärtsilä’s reversed nitrogen Brayton cycle   “We certainly are not going to be   capitalizing on it, liquefaction included, opens
       reliquefaction plants in the past, and the   dependent on Russian supplies [and] will not   new horizons for the Romanian economy and
       Compact Reliq is an exciting addition to their   renew the contract with Gazprom,” Naimski   contributes to the climate agenda objectives.”
       portfolio. It makes onboard reliquefaction   said.                         Florin Spataru, member of the Board of
       viable for all sizes of carriers, and is clearly   The Baltic Pipe is expected to supply   Directors of Damen Shipyards Mangalia: “We
       the right choice for our new ships,” said Jarle   Poland with up to 10bn cubic metres of gas,   are pleased to see the collaboration between
       Østenstad Newbuilding Director, Knutsen   adding to Poland’s domestic production, the   two industry leaders in Romania and beyond,
       OAS Shipping                        LNG shipped to the terminal in Swinoujscie,   who made possible a premiere: it is the first
         “We received an order for two systems   as well as to another one, to be constructed in   time such a ship is built in Romania and this
       last year to be delivered to the HSHI yard for   the Gdansk Bay.         proves that the Romanian naval industry
       installation on Knutsen’s newbuild carriers.   “Having the technical ability to import   is able to implement very complex and
       There was an option for additional vessels and   from Western Europe, we would [also] be able   innovative projects with high technological
       this option has been taken up with contracts   to buy gas on the spot markets when needed,”   level”.
       for three new Compact Reliq plants. These   Naimski also said.             The first LNG delivery in Romania, made
       are important projects that further strengthen   The estimated €2bn Baltic Pipe has   by OMV Petrom, implied co-ordinating and
       our relationship with both HSHI and Knutsen   now put behind problems that could have   managing for the first time a complex process
       OAS,” said Pål Steinnes, Sales Manager,   resulted in a delay, Naimski said, referring   in which several partner companies were
       Wärtsilä Gas Solutions.             to Denmark’s authorities repealing the   involved, while being compliant with all safety
         The Wärtsilä solution uses safe and easily   environmental permit for a section of the   measures. This translated into two separate
       obtainable commercial grade nitrogen. It is   project in early June.     transports of two tankers each, which fuelled
       instrumented for remote monitoring and   Gas consumption in Poland is expected   the tank of the first LNG operated ship in
       online operational support as part of Wärtsilä’s  to boom 50% to around 30bn cubic metres   Romania.
       Operational Performance Improvement and   annually in 2030 on the back of retiring old   OMV PETROM, September 17, 2021
       Monitoring (OPERIM) programme.      and climate-unfriendly coal-fired power
       WÄRTSILÄ, September 15, 2021        plants.

       Week 37   17•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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