Page 12 - MEOG Week 37 2022
P. 12

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.       GAS                                    Having arrived at the site last Wednesday,
         Iraq is the second largest producer in the                             Abdulhamid Han will carry out its exploratory
       Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting   Turkey pins hopes on East      mission for two months.
       Countries (Opec). It exports an average of                                 Equipped with seventh-generation
       3.3m barrels of crude oil per day (BPD), while   Med drilling            advanced technology, Abdulhamid Han
       production in Kurdistan amounts to just over                             weighs 68,000 gross tons and can drill down
       450,000 BPD.                        Turkey’s newest drilling ship has started   more than 12,000 metres (39,000 feet). It is
         The country uses revenue from its oil   the search for oil and natural gas in the   one of five seventh-generation drilling ships
       reserves to fund 90 percent of the federal   Mediterranean Sea, the country’s energy   globally. It has a tower height of 104 metres
       government’s budget.                minister said Wednesday, over a week after it   and a crew capacity of 200.
       MIDDLE EAST EYE                     was sent off on its first mission.     The 238-meter-long and 42-meter-wide
                                              The latest and the most advanced undersea   vessel is the largest and most technologically
                                           hydrocarbon drillship in the country’s fleet,   advanced deep sea drilling ship in Turkey’s
       COMPANIES                           Abdulhamid Han will carry out explorations   survey and exploration fleet.
                                           at the Yörükler-1 well, about 55 km (34   Turkey’s other drillships – Fatih, Kanuni
       UKOG raises further finance         miles) off the coast of Gazipaşa, in Antalya   and Yavuz – are operating in the Black
                                                                                Sea. All four ships are named after Ottoman
       for Turkey operations               Fatih Donmez voiced hopes the search in   sultans.
                                              Energy and Natural Resources Minister
                                                                                  The Sakarya gas field, located around 150
       AIM-listed UK Oil & Gas (UKOG)      the Eastern Mediterranean would result in   km off the country’s coast in the Black Sea,
       announced on September 12 that it has raised   discoveries similar to those in the Black Sea,   is home to Turkey’s largest-ever natural gas
       GBP3m ($3.5mn) to spend in Turkey from a   where Turkey discovered a natural gas reserve   discovery.
       placing of more than 3bn new shares.  with a volume of 540 billion cubic metres   The first pipes for the underwater pipeline
         UKOG said in a statement that the money   (bcm).                       network that will transport gas onshore were
       would fund further seismic testing and a new   “We are determined to follow up on the   laid in June. The first section was connected
       appraisal well in the Resan licence in Turkey.   happy news from the Black Sea with new   to the seabed from the port of Filyos in the
       Oil production from the well was expected in   good news in the Mediterranean this time,”   northern province of Zonguldak.
       1H23, it added.                     Donmez wrote on Twitter on Wednesday.  The government says the pipeline that will
         UKOG has run a series of placings to raise   “With the sweat of our engineers and the   connect the wells in the field to the processing
       money for operations in Turkey. It raised   prayers of our nation, may the fate of our ship   facility will start pumping the gas as of the first
       GBP1.5m in July and GBP5m in July 2021.  be good and its drilling fruitful.”  quarter of 2023.
         The company said: “The placing has been   The spot northwest of the island of Cyprus   More than 60% of the pipelaying on the
       undertaken to provide the Company with a   in the Eastern Mediterranean is outside waters   170-kilometer-long deep seabed has been
       source of general working capital and to help   claimed by the Greek Cypriot administration.   completed. The remaining works are expected
       deliver the Company’s previously stated near   Addressing the launching ceremony on   to be completed by the end of next month.
       term goals of completing the Phase 2 Turkey   Aug. 9, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan   Turkey is still highly dependent on imports
       seismic programme and the subsequent   brushed aside the Greek and Greek Cypriot   to cover its energy needs, whose price has
       drilling of a new appraisal well in the Basur   administrations’ objections to such drilling   rocketed following Russia’s invasion of
       oil discovery, anticipated to be able to add   missions and said Turkey has the right to   Ukraine.
       near-term oil production to the Company in   search for energy in its own areas.  Last year, 45% of the gas used in the
       H1 2023.”                              “Our exploration and drilling in the   country came from Russia and the rest from
         The shares were issued at GBP0.0875.   Mediterranean is within our own sovereign   Iran and Azerbaijan.
       That marked a 20% discount on the previous   dominion,” he said. “We don’t need to seek   Turkey’s annual gas consumption has risen
       closing price of UKOG.              permission or ratification from anyone.”  from 48 bcm in 2020 to a record 60 bcm in
       NEWSBASE                               Turkey has not sent a vessel to the Eastern   2021 and is expected to reach 62 bcm to 63
                                           Mediterranean since the withdrawal of the   bcm this year, according to official figures.
                                           Yavuz drillship in September 2020.   DAILY SABAH

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