Page 8 - MEOG Week 37 2022
P. 8
Iran says European statement
on JCPOA is unconstructive
IRAN IRAN reacted to the unconstructive statement maximum failure in the maximum pressure
issued by the three major European powers – campaign should have served as a good lesson
France, Britain and Germany on the Joint Com- for all parties who ignorantly believe that threats
prehensive Plan of Action, Mehr News Agency and sanctions can prevent the Iranian people
reported on September 11. from claiming their rights and defending their
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nas- interests.”
ser Kana’ani pointed to the seriousness of Iran’s The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Min-
intentions in the negotiations to reach a con- istry added that Iran still has the desire and read-
clusion and said that “the progress of the nego- iness to conclude an agreement, and believes that
tiations at different stages, including in the last if there is the necessary will to renounce external
round of negotiations, was achieved thanks to pressure, an agreement can be reached in the
the initiatives and ideas of the Islamic Republic very near future.
of Iran.” Earlier, France, the UK and Germany on
Kana’ani said that the European powers “have September 10 expressed their disappointment at
fallen under the influence of the psychological Iran’s demand in talks to renew the 2015 nuclear
warfare of the Israeli regime, which spares no deal Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action,
effort to bring the negotiations to a complete JCPOA) that “UN nuclear oversight should shut
failure.” down an investigation into uranium particles
He advised the three European countries to found at three objects.”
play a more active role rather than enter into a Diplomats said Iran’s response to the EU
phase of breaking up the diplomatic process in coordinator was a step backwards as it tries to
order to find a solution to the few remaining link the deal’s revival with the closure of the
differences. International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA)
The representative of Iran emphasized the uranium trace investigation.
need to avoid politicizing the issue and making “This latest demand raises serious doubts
unfounded accusations against Iran and said that about Iran’s intentions and commitment to the
“it is regrettable that European countries, on the successful completion of the JCPOA deal,” the
one hand, fully support a regime that has hun- three countries participating in the Joint Com-
dreds of nuclear warheads and does not adhere prehensive Plan of Action said in a statement.
to any international non-proliferation mecha- “Iran’s position is contrary to its legally bind-
nisms, and on the other hand , they are creating ing obligations and jeopardises the prospects
an atmosphere against the Islamic Republic of for restoring the Joint Comprehensive Plan of
Iran’s completely peaceful nuclear programme, Action.”
which is under the most extensive inspections.” In 2018, then US President Donald Trump
The Iranian official also advised the Euro- unilaterally abandoned the nuclear deal and
peans to make amends for their failure to fulfil re-imposed sanctions on Iran. After Joe Biden
their many obligations to the Iranian people and came to power, the US decided to return to the
warned them against using bullying tactics. nuclear deal and initiated months-long negotia-
Kana’ani went on to state that “the US tions in Vienna to revive the JCPOA.
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 37 14•September•2022