Page 4 - MEOG Week 37 2022
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Iran enlists firms for

       Azadegan expansion

       Iran’s NIOC has partnered up with several firms with ties to the IRGC
       and Ayatollah Khomeini for the expansion of the Azadegan oilfield.

        IRAN             IRAN this week named the group of domestic  (OIP) across the Sarvak, Kazhdomi, Godvan
                         firms that will accompany the National Iranian  and Fahilan layers, Azadegan is Iran’s largest oil-
                         Oil Co. (NIOC) in the expansion of the Azade-  field and is split into two development projects
       WHAT:             gan oilfield following the signing of a $7bn fund-  – South and North. The giant reservoir is shared
       Five E&P companies   ing deal in July.                 with Iraq, where it is known Majnoon (Insane)
       have joined a group of   During a signing ceremony attended by  on account of its size.
       six banks to form a field   President Ebrahim Raisi, Khatam-al Anbiya   Despite its great potential and nearly 200
       development consortium   Construction Headquarters (KAA), the engi-  wells having already been drilled on the south-
       to be overseen by the   neering arm of the hard-line Islamic Revolu-  ern site alone, recovery factors across the asset
       state oil firm.   tionary Guard Corps (IRGC), its subsidiaries  have slowed progress, with primary recovery on
                         MAPNA Group, Oil Industries Engineering  the Sarvak layer, which covers around 90% of the
       WHY:              and Construction (OIEC) and Persia Oil and  field’s reserves, just 5.1% in the south and 4.5% in
       At 32bn barrels,   Gas Industry Development Co. (POGIDC) and  the north, according to NIOC. Secondary recov-
       Azadegan is Iran’s largest   Sina Energy Development Co. were announced  ery rates are around 10% and 2.5% respectively.
       oilfield and Tehran aims   as NIOC’s partners on the project.
       to achieve production of   Sina Energy is a religious endowment for war  Production
       almost 600,000 bpd.  veterans and the poor, owned by the Bonyad-e  While the development of Azadegan has pre-
                         Mostazafan Foundation and falls under the Exe-  viously been split between the north and south
       WHAT NEXT:        cution of Imam Khomeini’s Order (EIKO).  projects, NIOC said that the agreement pertains
       The partners will soon   In early July, NIOC CEO Mohsen Khojasteh-  to the whole field.
       establish a joint venture   mehr signed a memorandum of understanding   Project tracking data compiled by Middle
       company to run Azadegan   (MoU) with officials from a group of undis-  East Oil & Gas (MEOG) shows that South Aza-
       under the IPC contract   closed financiers, which have now been named  degan was running at 140,000 barrels per day
       model.            as Bank Melli Iran, Bank Mellat, Bank Tejarat,  during 2021, with North Azadegan flowing at
                         Bank Parsian, Bank Pasargad and Bank Shahr.  around 75,000 bpd. However, official state media
                           Home to around 32bn barrels of oil in place  have since quoted current total output at around

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