Page 5 - LatAmOil Week 02 2023
P. 5

LatAmOil                                     COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                         The company’s COO Greg Hill agreed, empha-  horizon of the Lower Campanian and Santo-
                         sising at the same conference that both Pink-  nian that we just tested, and the other times we
                         tail and Whiptail had been found to contain   tested those horizons it was focusing from the
                         high-quality sandstone reservoirs and large   shallower horizon and these horizons, which
                         amounts of crude oil. “Whiptail and Pinktail   by the way are 15,000 feet [4,600 metres] for the
                         both had deeper zones with good quality hydro-  shallow horizon and 18,000 feet [5,500 metres]
                         carbons in those zones,” he said, according to a   for the deeper horizon,” he commented.
                         report from S&P Platts.                The success of drilling at Fangtooth indi-
                           Little has been said publicly since September   cates that ExxonMobil and its partners are in a
                         2021 about the sixth development project. Oil-  good position to keep looking for additional oil
                did quote Hess as saying in June of last   reserves at Stabroek, he added.  ExxonMobil
                         year that he hoped ExxonMobil would secure   “[When] we say there is multi-billion barrels
                         approval for the installation of its sixth FPSO   of exploration potential remaining above and   will be closer
                         by the end of 2023. However, the CEO was not   beyond what was discovered, Fangtooth vali-
                         forthcoming with many details about the part-  dates that,” he said.         to an FID
                         ners’ plans, so it is not fully clear how much time   Once again, it remains to be seen whether
                         will be spent on the matter this year.  (and how much) time ExxonMobil intends to   on Uaru by
                           Presumably, though, ExxonMobil will be   spend on this matter in 2023. Even so, it is likely   year-end
                         spending some time in 2023 trying to decide   to devote some thought to the question (at the
                         whether to move forward at Whiptail/Pinktail.   very least), and this means that the company and
                         By the end of the year, then, it should be closer   its partners will end the year with a better idea
                         to identifying its sixth development objective.  about what they want and don’t want in their
                                                              seventh development project.
                         Fangtooth                              Overall, the US super-major will probably be
                         Meanwhile, Hess also spoke last week about the   paying close attention to the general theme of its
                         likelihood that Fangtooth will be the focus of the   future development objectives at Stabroek this
                         seventh development project at Stabroek.  year. It is likely to make more progress on Uaru
                           At Goldman Sachs’ Global Energy and   than on Fangtooth or Whiptail and Pinktail –
                         Clean Technology Conference 2022, the CEO   and even then, its progress may be tempered by
                         explained the field’s importance by noting that   the need to wait for action on the part of Guy-
                         ExxonMobil and its partner had succeeded in   anese government agencies. Nevertheless, the
                         finding deeper-lying reserves of oil, thereby   company will be closer to an FID on Uaru by
                         opening up a new play. “Fangtooth itself is   year-end, and it will probably have made some
                         meaningful because it was the first of the deeper   headway on projects six and seven as well. ™

                                       Uaru may begin production in late 2026 or early 2027 (Image based on ExxonMobil graphics)

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