Page 14 - MEOG Week 20 2021
P. 14

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              COMPANIES                            fifth for 2021. They’ve already started, and
                                                                                appointed a financial adviser,” said Ruhmy.
       Iran’s veteran oil minister  EDO has begun fundraising                   “We are looking at the first tranche being
                                                                                around $5 billion, and there will be a second
       Zanganeh to retire                  for hydrocarbon activities           and third tranche.”
                                                                                  This $5 billion would cover EDO’s funding
       Iran’s veteran oil minister Bijan Namdar   Petroleum Development Oman, or PDO,   obligations for PDO and Oman’s gas projects
       Zanganeh on May 17 announced that he is   has a budget of $4 billion for its capital   for two years. Meanwhile, Oman’s gas
       to retire once a new president is inaugurated   expenditures and operational costs in 2021,   program for this year is expected to cost $1.3
       following June’s election and that he would   and the fundraising for this is underway,   billion, for both opex and capex, according to
       not change his mind even if he was asked to   Oman’s oil minister Mohammed Al-Rumhy   the minister.
       do so by the incoming administration.  told S&P Global Platts in an interview.  The creation of EDO is the latest move
         “Even if they nominated me for the   PDO, which produces the bulk of   in the restructuring of Oman’s oil and gas
       presidency, I would not accept it, let alone   Oman’s crude, is 60% owned by the Omani   entities.
       for the [oil] ministry,” Zanganeh, who turns   government. Royal Dutch Shell holds 34%   In 2019, the Omani government also
       69 next month, said. “I will retire from   stake, Total owns 4% and Partex has 2%.  integrated state-owned Oman Oil with several
       government activities.”               In December, the sultanate created   other mid and downstream companies to
         He added that he would “remain in   Energy Development Oman, or EDO, a   create OQ. There is a medium-term plan to
       politics,” but without a formal post. “Politics is   new government entity that has been given   IPO a 20% to 25% stake of OQ, when more
       like life—you cannot really disengage from it.”  the charge to represent the government’s   favorable market conditions arise.
         Zanganeh is approaching the end of   stake in PDO, and also to raise financing   On May 18, PDO announced it has created
       his second eight-year term as oil minister.   independently of the Sultanate’s Ministry   a subsidiary focused on services, known
       His first term was under former president   of Energy, which can be secured against   as PDO Services, or PDO-S, which will be
       Mohammad Khatami between 1997 and 2005.   its projects. PDO’s main asset is Block 6,   utilized to leverage and commercialize PDO’s
       Prior to that, he held the position of energy   which is Oman’s largest field and produces   technical and operating capabilities, accelerate
       minister from 1989 to 1997, and the post of   approximately 650,000 b/d, and is undergoing   technology transfer and transition PDO and
       construction minister from 1984 to 1989.  further development.           Oman to new energies, while supporting a
         His near-30 years in key ministerial   The legal framework for the establishment   knowledge-based economy in the country.
       positions has earned him the moniker of   of EDO is now finished. Oman’s government-  Oman pumped an average of 740,000
       “sheikh of ministers” in the Iranian press.  owned gas projects are in the process of being   b/d of crude in April, slightly surpassing its
         Former oil ministry officials say that   transferred to EDO, Rumhy said.  OPEC+ quota of 732,000 b/d, according to the
       Zanganeh was a driving force behind Iran’s   “EDO will own 100% of gas inside Block   S&P Global Platts OPEC survey. However, it
       ability to bring foreign oil companies to work   6, and 60% of the oil. So, it will fund 100%   has a maximum production capacity of about
       in the Iranian upstream, which in turn helped   gas and 60% oil from July or August, when   1 million b/d.
       build the foundation to raise Iran’s crude   the EDO will take over the responsibility of   While Oman’s focus is on managing
       output to around 4mn b/d in late 2004, Argus   funding,” the minister said.  the natural decline of its production, there
       Media wrote.                          PDO’s foreign partners will fund the   is some scope to increase its production
         The Iranian presidential election is   remaining 40% of the budget, which includes   capacity through condensate associated
       scheduled to take place on June 18. The new   exploration and development of new assets.  with gas projects, and also some heavy oil
       president will be inaugurated in mid-August.  “What EDO is doing now is come up with   developments.
       BNE                                 a five-year program for PDO and gas. The   “There are opportunities to increase
                                           funding will be annualized, with roughly a   production, but it needs investment. We have

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