Page 14 - Oceanview of Nahant Menu Guide_2023B
P. 14

dessert & light snacks

                                             SWEET AND SA VORY

                    Served the last hour of your event in our lounge, these guilty pleasure treats can be ordered
                                  for just 75% of your guest count!* It’s a win/win for everyone!

            Oceanview Grand Finale             Nitro Ice Cream                    Gourmet Donut Wall
            An impressive assortment of mini pastries,   Made with liquid nitrogen choose from   Displayed on a rustic handmade wooden
            cannolis, tiramisu, mini cakes, tortes,    a variety of yummy premium ice cream   peg board, our donut wall is sure to bring a
            and Italian biscotti. Special coffee service    flavors and mix-ins and then watch as    lighthearted, fun factor to your celebration.
            with Sambuca, Bailey's, Kahlua, and   your masterpiece is blasted with a chilled   $8. PER PERSON
            herbal teas also included.         fog for the creamiest, thickest ice cream
            $11 PER PERSON                     you have ever tasted.              Late Night Chinese
                                               $10 PER PERSON                     Chicken teriyaki sticks, crab rangoon,
            We     Pretzels                                                       mini egg rolls, and fried rice. served in
            Warm pretzel bites with cheese,    Marshmallow Fluff Bites            traditional Chinese take–out containers
            cinnamon sugar pretzels, mini pretzel    A Local Treat! Mini fluffernutter sandwich   and chop sticks.
            dogs with mustard, gourmet chocolate   bites, mini chocolate, fluff and  $10 PER PERSON
            dipped pretzel rods.               raspberry whoopee pies, s’mores & fluff
            $10 PER PERSON                     crispy bars, fresh fruit and fluff dip.  Petite Finale
                                               $10 PER PERSON                     An assortment of cannolis, New York
            Sliders and Fries                                                     style cheesecake, mini fruit tarts,
            Mini burgers, cheese, pickles, mustard,                               cream puffs, and éclairs.
            ketchup, French fry shooter.
                                                                                  $9 PER PERSON
            $10 PER PERSON


                Whiskey & Cigar Experience        Whoopie Pie Favors             Ice Cream Truck
                This unique after dinner treat of pairing   Whoopie! You did it! Give each of your   What a fun send off for your guests at the
                a smooth bourbon cocktail with a cigar   guests a delicious chocolate whoopie pie   end of the evening! Our ice cream truck
                is an impressive way to kick off the   to take home with them at the end of   will be parked outside for the last hour
                evening's celebration. It's a very cool and   the night! Who doesn't want a late night   of your event so that when family and
                trendy way to get the guys warmed up and   snack on the ride home?!  friends are leaving, they can step right
                ready to hit the dance floor; ok... and the   $4.50 PER PERSON   up and take home an ice cream of their
                ladies love it too!                                              choosing. Everyone feels like a kid again!
                $725 FOR UP TO 50 GUESTS                                         $750 FOR 1 HOUR OF SERVICE


            Complement your late night bites with these beverage stations

            Cappuccino and                     Hot Cocoa Station                  Hot and Cold Apple Cider Station
            Espresso Station                   Hot dark chocolate and peppermint    Mulled hot cider in silver urns and ice cold
            Our professional Barista will whip up    hot chocolate served in mugs and   cider served in pitchers. Served in mugs
            some incredible espresso, cappuccinos,   garnished with fresh whipped cream,   garnished with cinnamon sticks.
            lattes, and mochaccinos unlimited for two   miniature marshmallows, shaved   $3 PER PERSON
            hours. Complete with assorted flavor    chocolate, and peppermint sticks.
            shots and Chai.                    $4 PER PERSON                      Self-Serve Coffee
            $750                                                                  and Herbal Tea Station
                                                                                  $3 PER PERSON
                                Before placing your order, please inform your server if a person in your party has a food allergy.
                     All prices subject to Massachusetts meals tax of 6.25%, local tax of .75% and house/admin fee of 20%.  All prices subject to change.
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