Page 4 - June 2023 Newsletter
P. 4

Coloring therapy can
                 improve motor skills.

            The act of coloring can increase
              eye and hand coordination. It
               also improves dexterity, grip
            control, and focus. It is important
             for seniors to strengthen motor
             skills as much as possible, and

             coloring is a great way to do so.

              The Time Garden Coloring by Gail A.

          Coloring is a mode of self-expression.                Everyone can benefit from a simple coloring session,
          Coloring therapy is a way for older adults to be creative.   from children to middle-aged and older adults. In fact,
          There is no right or wrong way to color, and despite   coloring is a great way for loved ones to engage seniors,
          what our teachers told us, we don't have to "stay in the   and the shared activity can strengthen relationships be-
          lines." You can encourage your senior loved one to fol-  tween seniors and their grandchildren. Have you ever
          low their heart while creating a coloring masterpiece,   considered having a family coloring night? It might be a
          without any rules or guidelines to follow.            great way to spend time with the whole family and cre-
                                                                                    ate bonds that will last for a life-

                                                                                    Keeping an aging mind healthy

                                                                                    As we age, it is just as important to
                                                                                    keep our minds as healthy as it is
                                                                                    to keep our bodies healthy. Color-
                                                                                    ing therapy is just one way to do
                                                                                    so. For more information on how
                                                                                    to keep you or your loved one's
          John B.                        John G                                            John B   brain active and healthy, download
                                                                                    our free guide: The Visual Guide
          Coloring sessions can help those with Alzheimer's dis-  for Keeping an Older Mind Sharp. You'll learn the bene-
          ease or another form of dementia.                     fits of staying active and find a few puzzles and activities
          For seniors with memory issues, coloring can be
                                                                to get started.
          a stimulating activity that eases anxiety. Coloring thera-
          py can bring back memories for aging adults, especially
          if they are working with images they might recognize,   Here is the deal!
          such as vintage cards, birds, plants, landscapes, or other   We supply coloring pages and they are available in a
          familiar images.                                       green file folder behind the computer in the Club-
                                                                 We will supply you with a beginning pencil set of 12
          Coloring therapy provides a sense of accomplishment.
          Boredom is detrimental for seniors. The feeling of hav-  colors, enough to get you started.  Several of us have
                                                                 purchased sets with over a hundred colors.
          ing nothing to do or focus on can lead to loneliness and
          depression in many older adults. Coloring focuses the   Several of us color most evenings in the Clubhouse or
          brain on a single goal and provides mental stimulation.   patio and you are welcome to join us or color at home.
                                                                 Lots of fun and joking around.  Coffee is usually on
          It improves concentration and provides a physical repre-  too.
          sentation of a completed project.
                                                                 To get pencils, Call John at 209-543-4261 and I will
                                                                 bring you a set.
          Coloring is a great family activity.
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