Page 5 - June 2023 Newsletter
P. 5

Due to my Summer concert and work
                                                                  schedule, I will only show movies once a
                                                                  week, alternating between “Main Stream”
                                                                  and “Art, Educational, & Discovery Films.”
                                                                  Wednesday Evenings at 6:30 in the
                                                                  clubhouse.  If my time allows, I may show
                                                                  an additional film sometimes, Check the
                                                                  bulletin board in the Clubhouse.    This
                                                                  applies to June, July, Aug, & Sept.    John

                                            Jane Austin’s

                                           Following the antics of a
                                           young woman, Emma
                                           Woodhouse, who lives in
                                           Georgian- and Regency-
                                           era England and occupies
                                           herself with matchmaking
                                           - in sometimes misguid-
                                           ed, often meddlesome
                                           fashion- in the lives of her            Kurdistan
                                           friends and family.
                                                                      The Untold Story of Mesopotamia
                                           June 7, 6:30 PM         Shot in the Northern part of Iraqi Kurdistan, close to
                                           124 minutes             ISIS-controlled areas, this film takes viewers into a
                                           Rated PG-13,            largely unknown archaeological space, captured on
                                                                   film for the first time.

                                                                   June 14, 6:30 PM.  0 minutes, not rated
                                           John Grisham’s

                                           The Client
                                           Fast-paced thriller,
                                           based on the John Gri-
                                           sham bestseller, about a
                                           boy whose life is endan-
                                           gered after he stumbles
                                           across vital information
                                           about a politician's mur-
                                           der. His lawyer is the   The Ark of the Covenant
                                           only person offering
                                           protection from the un-
                                           wanted attentions of the              Revealed
                                           Mob and the FBI - but is   According to the Bible, The Ark of the Covenant was a
                                           she capable of saving his   box that housed the two tablets of stone inscribed
                                           life?                  with the Ten Commandments.  Over the centuries it
                                                                  has remained an object of great mystery, inspiring infi-
                                           June 21, 6:30 PM    nite questions.  But can modern science shed new light
                                           120 min                on what the Ark really was?

                                                                  June 28, 6:30 PM  50min
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