Page 2 - 2024 Summer Concert Sponsorship
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Our Mission

           Red Tie Arts (RTA) A 501(c)(3) CA Corp. has a twofold

           1. To produce and present quality arts and entertain-  2. To help underserved, talented children realize
          ment events to enhance the quality of life in our     their “Artistic Dreams” through financial gifts and
           area.                                                grants and to enhance the lives of these children.

           Who we are
          Red Tie Arts presents national and international acts   volunteer coordinator, and John as the director.
          in small intimate settings. The grantees of our kid's   Their shared love of music and their desire to help
          program will have free access to these offerings as   enhance the quality of life while expanding the music
          may be beneficial to their education. On occasion, we  and art scene in Modesto for the past 26 years has
          might be able to arrange for a child to “sit-in” with   led to the formation of Red Tie Arts with the purpose
          the band. Founders Jerry Cooper and John Griswold     and goal of...
          have been working together and presenting music         “Exploring, Celebrating, and Supporting the Arts by
          from the early days of the reincarnation of the         Providing Scholarships for Underserved Children
          historic State Theatre, (1994), which was founded as                   to Study the Arts.”
          a performing arts venue in Modesto; Jerry as the

         What several of our percussion students have to say

                                                                                        “One of the important
                                                                                        lessons we’ve learned is that
                                                                                        all successful youth arts
                                                                                        programs do three things:
                                                                                        First, they provide positive
                                                                                        adult role models;
                                                                                        Second, they give youth the
                                                                                        opportunity for achievement
                                                                                        and ultimately, recognition
                                                                                        for the achievement.
                                                                                        Third, they enable youth to
                                                                                        interact with people who
                                                                                        have healthy beliefs and
          Alan                      Roman                     Caleb                     consistent standards for
          Instructor David Hawkes  Instructor David Hawkes    Instructor David Hawkes   behavior.
                                                                                        Programs designed to
          “I learned the rudiments  “Mr. Hawkes has taught    “This outside instruction
          of music and I learned    me to read music that     with Mr. Hawkes has       achieve these outcomes are
          how to play more styles  improved my drumming       been very beneficial for   best able to provide the
          of songs. This one-on-    ability.  My playing is   me, I have more confi-    opportunity that youth
          one instruction from      more solid at church and   dence and learned new    need to develop positive
          David Hawkes has          school.  My regular       techniques and meth-
          helped me improve my      classroom music teach-    ods.  Also discovered              Taken from
          playing a lot.”           er, Mr. Fiorio, has       the joys of classic rock.”   Americans for the
                                    noticed a big change.”
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