Page 3 - 2024 Summer Concert Sponsorship
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Four of our students performing on stage with the • Instruments, either outright purchase or rentals
Sun Kings, one of the best Beatles Tribute Bands. • In some cases, travel expenses for performanc-
es can be provided.
A little background
Even though the founders have been producing con- Eventually, we plan to expand our funding to other art
certs for over 30 years, RTA is a relatively new organi- forms, such as dance, theater, visual art, and possibly
zation, founded in 2016. even literary arts, as our coffers and funding sources
We are bringing our expertise in music to assist in
funding these underserved talented kids. We began Who will benefit
with the Sylvan School District in Modesto where we
enlisted the assistance of several of music teachers The children will benefit--and indirectly-- society as a
and the District Superintendent to assist with the whole will benefit by having more productive and re-
development of criteria to identify students who may sponsible adults. The following quote is from the Jour-
otherwise never have a chance to truly develop into nal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent
accomplished artists. This became our process for Psychiatry and highlights our mission:
identifying children who are eligible for grant funding.
“Children who play the violin or study piano are learn-
The process for child selection considers: ing more than just Mozart. A University of
• Talent promise Vermont College of Medicine child psychiatry team
• Instrument devotion has found that musical training might also help kids
• Family financial situation focus their attention, control their emotions and di-
• Desire to excel minish their anxiety.”
Our organization can provide support including the This is one of many studies regarding the positive
following: effects of children studying music.
• Music Lessons