Page 2 - March newsletter 2023
P. 2

Ēostre’s gift – A Fairy Tale                             feeding and caring for their newborn baby kits. The small
                                                                   rabbit tried to help as best she could, but no matter what
              for the Spring Equinox                               she did, she just seemed to get in the way.

                                                                             One bright morning, her mother could see that the
                                                                   small rabbit was restless and not at all happy simply hang-
         The Spring Equinox had come. The day’s light and the      ing around in the burrow.  “Out you go!” she said, as she
         night’s dark had reached that magical moment when, for a   gently nudged her towards the opening with her
         tiny instant, they were perfectly equal. And as it does at   nose.  “Your father and I have a lot to do here, but we’ve
         that time every year from that point on, the sunlight began   got it covered.  Why don’t you go out and find some of
         to grow ever stronger and ever brighter. And as the air   your brothers and sisters or play with your cousins?  Bet-
         warmed from the growing sunlight, the snow melted and     ter yet, why not make yourself useful and find something
         ran crystal clear as it filtered into the thirsty earth below   fresh to eat?  Perhaps some tender new shoots of fresh
         and the rivers and streams run fuller and faster. The grow-  grass, some sweet purple wood violets or some delicious
         ing light signaled the sap to move up through the roots of   and nutritious nettle tops.”
         the trees into their bare branches, delivering the nourish-
         ment they needed to stretch out even further and push     The little rabbit ventured out of the burrow carefully be-
         their buds into fresh new flowers and leaves.             cause that is the way rabbits are.  Rabbits are always vigi-
                                                                                         lant—every instinct tells them to
                   The birds were always                                                 be prepared for the possibility of
         first to welcome Spring with                                                    danger. They are constantly sniff-
         their heart songs at dawn and                                                   ing, cautiously observing, always
         soon all the creatures in the                                                   ready with all their senses to know
         Wildwood knew that it was                                                       when to spring away in a flash if
         time to wake up and grow. The                                                   danger comes their way.
         furry ones stretched their arms
         and legs, the winged ones                                                                  The small rabbit’s nose
         spread their wings, the amphibi-                                                twitched as she hid under a hedge-
         ans emerged from their long                                                     row at the edge of the forest, and
         cold sleep, the bees and other                                                  she looked out across the open
         pollinators shook themselves                                                    meadow. She was watchful, but
         awake and set off into the air to                                               she was also excited, for who
         begin their important work.                                                     wouldn’t be?  It was Spring!  As
         Even the grubs and the worms                                                    she looked across the open mead-
         who worked so hard beneath                                                      ow, she could see the bees buzzing
         the soil at that time wriggled                                                  among the blooming yellow daffo-
         their tiny bodies joyfull                                                       dils and purple and blue violets,
                                                                                         and further in the distance she
                   Of all the living crea-                                               could see newborn calves dance as
         tures, it was the rabbits who                                                   their delicate hoofs first touched
         loved Springtime the most. To a                                                 the green grass while their mothers
         rabbit, Spring is the ringing                                                   watched with pride.  She looked
         time—the harmony and singing                                                    up into the sky and watched as an
         time. It is the pushing and the                                                 older crow taught younger ones
         pulling and the bringing forward time when babies are                           how to sail in the wind high above
         born from their mothers into a world where all is fresh and   the tops of the evergreens and she heard them all caw,
         new. To a rabbit, Spring is that bright and beautiful time   caw, caw in delight that Spring is here!
         when love of the earth becomes the most important thing
         of all because (as all rabbits know) when new life is creat-            Hesitant, she began to hop along, venturing a little
         ed and born, the ever-revolving cycles of the earth contin-  way across the grass, but always staying close to the edge
         ue.                                                       of the woods in case she needed to quickly hide. She
                                                                   sniffed the wonderful smell of clover and paused to nibble
                    The small rabbit was only a few months old when   on a bit of yummy chickweed and the first of the dandeli-
         this fairy tale took place, but she already knew how to   on shoots emerging from the grass.
         look after herself quite well. She was born among the first
         of that Spring’s litters and since that time, her mother had              As she sniffed and nibbled from one delicious plant
         had another litter and was expecting a third! Of course,   to another along the edge of the forest she came across a
         the small rabbit’s mother and father were extremely busy   beautiful unbroken bird’s egg that must have fallen from a
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