Page 2 - Flip February Final_Neat
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Central California Art Association at the Mistlin Gallery.   1015 J street, Downtown Modesto.
      T                                     tographers to create singular          sent their concept for the July
              he Mistlin Gallery in
                                            works that represent both
              Modesto, California is
                                                                                   exhibition at the Mistlin Gal-
              hosting three photog-
                                                                                   opportunity to showcase your
      raphy exhibitions in February,        their unique, personal views,          lery. Don't miss this exciting
                                            “Circus Vargas: Behind the
      each offering a diverse and           Curtain” an exhibition by
                                            award-winning photographer
                                            William Harris that features
                                            candid and unposed images
                                            taken at Circus Vargas in Mod-
                                            esto between 1991 and 1999,

                                            and “Letters Home” exhibition
                                            by Thelma Saldivar which vis-
                                            ually documents the resettle-
                                            ment of immigrant and refu-
                                            gee college students in the
      captivating artistic experi-          Central Valley. In addition, The
      ence. These exhibitions in-           Gallery is also hosting a Crea-
      clude "Collision VII" a collabo-      tive Synergy Mixer on Febru-

      rative event that brings to-          ary 11th, an opportunity for
      gether 18 poets and 18 pho-           visual artists, sculptors, pho-
                                            tographers, writers, poets,
                                            musicians, composers, danc-
                                            ers, and choreographers to
                                            come together, form teams
                                            and develop unique blends of

                                            various artistic genres.               talent and join a community
                                            Attendees should come pre-             of like-minded artists. Re-
                                            pared with their concepts and          member to bring your phone
                                            works in progress to share             fully charged.
                                            and actively seek out comple-
                                            mentary partners in other
                                            genres. In March, teams will
                                            have the opportunity to pre-
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