Page 1 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Village ~ October 2019 Issue
P. 1


                                                             WITH THE STROKE OF A PEN

                                                 by Jane Whitten            mortgage payment–due notice.  the right to have a free copy of
                                                                            The worst and most startling  your credit report from each of
                                                        ne  little  known  aspect  evidence is when a homeowner  the three major credit reporting
                                                        of  identity  theft  is  receives a notice of default or  agencies. Simply leverage this
                                                 O deed fraud. Deed fraud  foreclosure and the mortgage is  free report by applying once
                                                 occurs when someone steals  current or paid off.     every four months, consecutively,
                                                 your identity, forges your name                      to  the  three bureaus,  Equifax,
                                                 on a deed, and takes title to your   HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN?  Experian, and TransUnion. You
                                                 home. While it may seem that it   Deed  Fraud  and  Title  theft   can get your free credit reports
                                                 should be a simple matter to get  is when somebody uses a false   through
                                                 your home back after becoming  identity to change ownership
                                                 a victim of deed fraud, nothing  on your property title from your   2. CHECK THE STATUS
                                                 in the law is very simple.   name to their name and then   OF YOUR DEED
                                                                            secures as many loans as possible   Local registries of deeds  year  in fighting  potential  real
                                                  WHOM DO THESE THIEVES  using your equity as collateral.   across the United States may be  estate fraud. A recent survey
                                                   TYPICALLY TARGET AND     This is often done with a notary   accessed online. If this is true for  sent along with notifications
                                                 WHAT ARE THE CLUES THAT  to whom the perpetrator gave   your local registry, you should  show more than 96 percent of
                                                     IT HAS HAPPENED?       false  identification  documents   regularly check on the status of  homeowners approve of the
         ALLISON VAN WIG                            Many times, targets are older  during the signing of the deed.  your deed to confirm that no  program.

                 CA DRE #00985700                property  owners  because  they   WHAT CAN YOU DO TO   one has done anything affecting   Contact the Department of
                                                 usually have a lot of equity in their
         562-882-1581                            homes. A missing property tax bill   PROTECT YOURSELF AND   your property ownership. Some  Consumer and Business Affairs
                                                                                                      registries of deeds even have  at (800) 593-8222 to receive
                                                                                YOUR PROPERTY?
                                                 or a tax bill on a second property,
          WWW.SUPERBROKER.COM                    a vacation home or investment                        services whereby you will be  more information and to register
                                                                                                      notified when actions are done  for the Homeowner Notification
          ALLISON@SUPERBROKER.COM                properties are all clues.  1. MONITOR YOUR CREDIT    that affect your property.   Program. To reach the Registrar-
                                                    Other clues may include a
                                                 notice for an unpaid water bill, a   Federal law provides you with   Here in California The  Recorder/County Clerk, call
                                                                                                      Department of Consumer  (800) 201-8999, option 2 or visit
                                                                                                      and Business Affairs operates where you can also file
                                                                                                      the  Homeowner Notification  a complaint.
                                                                                                      Program. Once you are         One more avenue of help: If
                                                                                                      registered the Los Angeles  you need assistance of any kind
                                                                                                      County Registrar–Recorder’s  in registering for this program
                                                                                                      office, they will send you copies  and would like a quick check
                                                                                                      of documents recorded against  to make sure the Tax Records
                                                                                                      your home. This gives you a  indicate you are the legal
                                                                                                      chance to review the real estate  owner of your home, just give
                                                                                                      documents to be sure they are  Allison Van Wig a call or send
                                                                                                      legitimate.                an email. She can pull those
                                                                                                         Los Angeles County sends  records from the tax rolls and
                                                                                                      hundreds  of  thousands  of  the title company to give you
                                                                                                      notifications out each year.  the  information  you  need.  She
                                                                                                      More than 10,000 homeowners  can be reached at 562-882-1581
                                                                                                      contact DCBA for help each  or   n


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                                                            INSIDE THIS ISSUE - OCTOBER 2019

         Discover Publications, 6425 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229  MONEY  DESIGN & DECOR   RECIPE OF THE MONTH     SINGAPORE            PROPERTIES        DP #22461

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